2- Educational Psychology

Write an essay that shows how the teacher in this movie deals with one of the following rather general issues about educational psychology:

1. Motivation: ways of directing, maintaining, and energizing students’ behavior
2. Assessment: strategies used to gather information about students’ performance
3. Diversity: significant differences among students in background, experiences, skills, or knowledge
4. Behavior management: techniques used to prevent and remedy difficult or inappropriate behavior on the part of students
5. Relationships with parents: challenges about them, and techniques for developing positive, supportive relationships
6. Some other topic that you consider important (but see me if you want to use this option)

The essay should have the following parts:
a) Title: Think of a title that is creative and descriptive. Do not simply call the paper “Assignment #1,” “Psych of Learning Essay,” or “Analysis of Stand and Deliver.”

b) Introduction (about 1 page): Explain the purpose and scope of the essay. In one sentence or so, define or explain each of the key terms related to your topic. Use a descriptive subheading to label this part of the essay (e.g. “Purpose of This Essay”).

c) Examples from the movie (3-4 pages): Describe several examples from the movie that illustrate the two topics that you have chosen. Present each example briefly, but also completely enough that it includes relevant details. Be careful to point out how each example represents one or more concepts related to your topic area.

For each concept used or discussed in the essay, find and cite complete references for it. There should be three citations. At least two of these should come from a general textbook about educational psychology; the other should come from another source. In general the other sources should include a specific place within a scholarly book, or else a specific journal article from the library. It may be a source from the Internet if it is scholarly and from a reputable source.

In choosing citations, make sure that they are relevant and not too “big” (e.g. do not cite an entire ed psych text to support a single concept that is discussed only in one small place within the text). Explain enough of the relevant concept or idea to show its relevance to the specific idea or place in your essay where it is cited.

Note: I will be spot checking citations for relevance, precision, and inappropriate plagiarism.

d) Conclusion (about 1 page): Comment briefly on how successful the teacher in Stand and Deliver was with regard to the topic of your essay. Then devise one additional action or teaching strategy that might enhance the teacher’s success. Make sure the proposed action or strategy is specific and practical, and that it truly relates to your chosen topic. Cite a reference, if possible, where someone might get help in implementing t