2- Does Technology Make Us More Alone?

Essay #3 The Argumentative Essay: Does Technology Make Us More Alone?

Description: This paper requires that you…

• Form an argument in which you state the ways in which technology does OR does not make us more alone. You must choose one side only.
• Discuss THREE reasons/ supporting details that support your argument. Each reason will be at least one body paragraph.
• Include at least ONE example for each supporting detail.
• Analyze how these examples support your argument.
• As a part of your analysis, you must use 3 credible outside sources and include in-text citations in your essay.
• Include a Works Cited page according to MLA guidelines

Audience: Your English 111 instructor and your English 111 classmates.

Page Length: This is a standard academic essay. Your paper should be approximately 4 -5 pages typed and double spaced (no extra spaces between paragraphs). The Works Cited is not to be included in your page count. You must type your paper in size 12 font, Times New Roman.

Goals: In this essay, you should…

1. Demonstrate your ability to write a solid introduction that follows the organizational strategies explained in class. (10 pts)

2. Demonstrate your ability to write a clear, overt thesis statement regarding your argument and major supporting details. (10 pts)

3. Demonstrate your ability to provide three major supporting details that directly support your thesis statement. (10 pts)

4. Demonstrate your ability to present a clear argument with credible support from outside sources. You should aim to have at least one source discussed in each body paragraph. (10 pts)

5. Demonstrate your ability to apply rhetoric in the form of either ethos, pathos, or logos throughout your supporting body paragraphs. (10pts)

6. Demonstrate your ability to compose a clear, cohesive conclusion that ties your essay together and establishes closure for your readers. (10 pts)

7. Demonstrate your ability to organize your analysis into body paragraphs with topic/transition sentences. (10 pts)

8. Demonstrate your ability to write an academic essay free from major spelling, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, etc. errors. (10 pts)

9. Demonstrate your ability to create an MLA formatted essay (to include in-text citations) and an MLA formatted works cited page that gives credit to the sources used in your essay. (10 pts)