2- Discussion

ENG 236 Discussion Board Guidelines

Discussion Board Assignments are a major part of the course grade, so be sure you follow the guidelines below:

1) Always read all the directions for the discussion board assignment before you click into the link and begin your discussion.

2) Create a reply and begin your response to the reading/questions. You my put your reply in the message box or on a Word Document but you must follow the same guidelines for every story analysis.

3) Put the question down first and number each one~

4) Your RESPONSE to the reading/questions must be a minimum of 500 words and cover all the questions. The questions do NOT count towards the word total. In each answer to the question, GIVE your OPINION first in several sentences, SUPPORT your opinions with a quote/passage taken from the reading selection to PROVE that opinion. NOTE: For EVERY question, Your response must be at LEAST One PARAGRAPH ( 6-8 sentences) Remember the more you explain to your audience the better they will understand your views and the better your grade will be. Every response should include a cited passage from the story unless it is just an opinion question that has no proof. The passages you choose to use to support your views must be properly cited and sourced according to MLA guidelines.

5) Put the Works Cited at the bottom of the document . I have included every Bibliography for every story in the To Do List or the Weekly Material in CANVAS so just copy and paste that properly at the end of your discussion document.

6) Properly Quote your sources in MLA format: Take advantage of the asynchronous nature of the discussion forum to look up any source you quote and make sure to cite these sources correctly by mentioning the last name of the author and page number you got the quote from…include the Works Cited Info. I do expect MLA format for all your documentations. Example: According to Poe, “Blahahahahahahaha” (3). OR The narrator or character name in the story states, “Blalhahahahahah” (Poe 3).

7) Stick to the point: Address the questions as much as possible (don’t let the discussion stray).

8) Connect to prior knowledge: Bring in related prior knowledge (work experience, prior coursework, readings, etc.) as examples to support your opinions that will add to your insights.

9) You can also Ask questions you really want to find answers to or you weren’t sure of what happened in the story, discuss what you found intriguing, confusing, or share your top takeaways.

10) You can write your discussion on a Word Document and check for spelling and grammar issues before you attach it or copy and paste it. Grammar counts.

11) Remember you are to write grammatically correct sentences, follow the guidelines above, and reply properly and thoroughly to your classmates or your discussion will be disregarded. Use correct punctuation, capitalization, and spellings. (This is not a chat room, text message, or email but rather an English Composition classroom where the conventions of Standard English Grammar are observed and expected.)

12) Grading – Discussion Forum contributions are scored on a 0-100 point scale as follows:

0 = no submission,
0 – 60 = late or inadequate posting, no peer replies submitted
60 – 70 = does not meet the minimum requirements of assignment
70 – 80 = substantive posting that only meets the minimum requirements
80 – 90 = substantive posting AND meaningful return comments to your classmates that go above the minimum requirements
90 – 100 = substantive posting with meaningful comments, including connections to the reading materials and insight into the issue. Includes Correct intext citations and examples from the text to support your opinions. Far exceeds minimum requirements.

13) Tone & Etiquette
Although it is perfectly fine, even recommended, to challenge your classmates’ posts and defend your opinions, you’re expected to do so in respectful and polite manner. Always use proper etiquette (proper language, typing, etc.) Express your ideas clearly to avoid misunderstanding, give people the benefit of the doubt. Over 90% of human interactions are non-verbal. We convey meaning and intention via body language, facial expressions, tone of voice, etc. Here is an example of the importance of one’s tone of voice from the TV show Friends (https://youtu.be/OvEci5Bjgd4)