Some of the work is already done just needs to be brought together. Attached is all of the work so far on Dementia SEE DIRECTIONS BELOW
Basic Information about the Disease PaperBasic Information about the Disease Paper
Each student will write a paper that will choose a disease not covered in class and analyze its causes and its effects on the human body.
The concept of this paper is to apply the basic physiology learned in class to a specific case of a disease
The disease chosen MUST be approved by your instructor and must involve at least 2 major body systems
This will be a formal, typed paper with some specific formatting requests, but it is not in a particular style (APA, MLA, etc.)
The final document of the paper will be emailed to the instructor as an attached file, or shared via GoogleDocs
Acceptable attached file formats include .docx, .pdf, .rtf
The final paper will be worth up to 20 points
Outline of Plan for Paper WritingOutline of Plan for Paper Writing
Only the final grade on the paper will count toward your overall grade, however, there will be numerous assignments provided to guide the process of writing this paper, including the ability to rewrite it after getting comments from the instructor. It is strongly recommended that you follow this process to stay on target and write the best possible paper.
Due dates for Guiding Assignments
Disease Paper Guide and RubricDisease Paper Guide and Rubric
Formatting (5 points)
Please use a serifed font (like Times New Roman) and font size 11 or 12
Double space the entire paper
No footnotes, no headers
Your paper should have a title, and immediately below the title should be your name. Please center both of these at the top of the first page.
Text can begin immediately following your name, text should be left justified
Please indent all new paragraphs
Check on basic spelling and grammar.
Avoid personal insertions of pronouns (I, we, my)
Avoid quoting unless absolutely necessary, please paraphrase
All in-text citations should be in the format (Authors, year), and use these whenever paraphrasing specific information
Paper Content (12 points)
Introduce the Disease (2 points)
1 paragraph, may only be 2-3 sentences
Provide the name, common and scientific if applicable, of the disease and a general overview of its effects on the human body
Be sure to include the type of disease that it is (genetic, autoimmune, bacterial, metabolic, etc.) and how a person would end up with it
Give the effects of this disease on human physiology (5 points)
Each of the following should be at least one paragraph, with significant details.
Describe this disease’s effects on cells
Describe this disease’s effects on tissues, including proteins
Describe this disease’s effects on organs and organ systems, it should affect at least two organ systems
Describe the outward symptoms of this disease and how they relate to the aforementioned effects
Give some information about treatment and/or management of the disease (3 points)
This section will likely be 2-3 paragraphs
If this is a treatable disease, describe how it is treated, and then also how the effects on physiology improve, and if any changes might be permanent
If this is an inherent disease, describe how the symptoms are managed and how this management mediates the effects on the physiology
Conclusion (2 points)
Provide a 2-3 sentence summarizing conclusion to the information provided
Citations/Bibliography (3 points)
Minimum of two sources outside of class materials
All of these should begin with author’s last names
A credible organization (i.e., NASA) can be used in place of an author
You may not use a citation without a verifiable author or organization
Alphabetize these by author
Use complete citations, including (as required) author(s), year, title, journal, book, publisher, volume, page numbers, URL