2- Digital Marketing Communications

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Subject Code and Title MKG203: Digital Marketing Communications
Assessment Individual DMC Plan
Individual/Group Individual
Length 2000 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes a) Define digital marketing communications (DMC) and its
role in marketing strategy.
b) Demonstrate an understanding of the DMC environment
and apply it to marketing planning.
c) Identify the DMC mix and its application in marketing
management and planning.
d) Describe the role of data and personalisation when
developing DMC.
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 6 (week 11)
Weighting 45%
Total Marks 100 marks
In this assessment, you will develop a ‘real life’ digital marketing communications (DMC) plan for an
organisation. Imagine you are a DMC consultant for this organisation. You will choose an
organisation and develop a plan for it, engaging concepts and strategies explored in the subject. The
idea here is to critically analyse the current DMC approach of the organisation in relation to the
marketing environment it operates in, and identify DMC strategies you think would improve its
performance, supporting this with DMC concepts from the subject and current literature in the field
(e.g., could be anything from journal articles, blogs, online guides, YouTube videos, research reports
etc.). The key here is to provide justification to strategy development.
Your task for this assessment is to prepare a report providing:
1. Title page, table of contents
2. A report introduction
3. A brief company introduction
4. Situational analysis: Include digital competitive analysis (two direct competitors) and
digital SWOT analysis
5. A brief summary of the company’s target marketing, positioning and branding from a digital
perspective and any recommendations for these strategies
6. DMC Objectives. These should be clear and specific of what you want to achieve from the
strategies (SMART objectives)
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7. DMC Mix plan. This is where you present your recommendations substantiated by research
/course work engagement and reference to best practice. You should consider
recommendations for topics such as: Website design and Conversion optimisation, Search
marketing, Email marketing, and Social media and Content marketing, Digital advertising.
8. Evaluation. How will you measure the performance of your strategies? How are you able to
measure if the objectives have been reached?
9. Conclusion.
10. Appendix. In the Appendix, you are to select two (2) of the following practical tasks
for completion. These should support your ideas presented in the DMC Mix plan.
The practical example must be supported with a brief rationale of the strategy.
§ A website re-design. This could be done using a mock design of the home page or
alternatively, you could take a screen shot of the existing web page and annotate
your changes on the relevant pages.
§ Design and present a short monthly company email newsletter.
§ Design a Google AdWords search advertisement.
§ Design a Facebook or Instagram advertisement.
§ Design a social media post example. This should be a combination of text, image
and/or video.
§ Design a social media banner for a specific platform.
Submission Instructions:
• The presentation recommended for this Assessment is REPORT FORMAT.
• Student Identifier (Name and Number) should be included on the title page and
page numbers should appear on each page of the document.
• The assessment should be submitted in a form and format that would be acceptable in
the business world. All work must be word-processed, spell checked, grammatically
acceptable, and professional in appearance.
• Should not be written from a 1st person context, but rather from the 3rd
That is, “I, we, my, our” are not acceptable;
• All claims and recommendations are to be supported by suitable and relevant
marketing and/or theoretical principles;
• Should include a correctly constructed reference list and accompanying in-text citations as
per University guidelines (APA Referencing).
• Can use any combination of narrative, point form, diagrams, graphs, tables or images
to increase the “readability” of the submission.
Submit one word or PDF document to Blackboard. The Learning Facilitator will provide
feedback via the Grade Centre in Blackboard. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
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Learning Rubric: Assessment 3: Individual DMC Plan
Fail (Unacceptable)
High Distinction
(Grading Scheme)
Fail grade will be
awarded if a student is
unable to demonstrate
satisfactory academic
performance in the
subject or has failed to
complete required
assessment points in
accordance with the
subject’s required
assessment points.
Pass is awarded for work
showing a satisfactory
achievement of all learning
outcomes and an adequate
understanding of theory and
application of skills. A
consistent academic
referencing system is used
and sources are
appropriately acknowledged.
Credit is awarded for
work showing a more
than satisfactory
achievement of all
learning outcomes
and a more than
understanding of
theory and
application of skills. A
consistent academic
referencing system is
used and sources are
Distinction is awarded
for work of superior
quality in achieving all
learning outcomes and
a superior integration
and understanding of
theory and application
of skills. Evidence of in-
depth research,
reading, analysis and
evaluation is
demonstrated. A
consistent academic
referencing system is
used and sources are
High Distinction is
awarded for work of
outstanding quality in
achieving all learning
outcomes together with
outstanding integration
and understanding of
theory and application
of skills. Evidence of in-
depth research,
reading, analysis,
original and creative
thought is
demonstrated. A
consistent academic
referencing system is
used and sources are
Report purpose
established company
No clear report purpose
established. Limited or
no company overview
Clear report purpose
established. Introduction
completed satisfactorily.
Satisfactory company
overview provided.
Good clear report
purpose established.
Good introduction
with industry
established. Good
company overviews
Very good clear report
purpose established.
Very good introduction
with industry
established. Very good
company overviews
Very good clear report
purpose established.
Excellent introduction
with excellent industry
established. Excellent
good company
overviews provided
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Competitive analysis
and SWOT
Analysis of key
Demonstrated an
understanding of
current digital
trends through a
referenced SWOT
Less than two
competitors selected.
Little to no insightful
digital competitor
Little or no understanding
of current DMC trends.
Little or no referencing for
the SWOT analysis.
Two competitors selected.
Some insightful digital
competitor analysis.
Some understandingof
current DMC. Limited
referencing for the SWOT
Satisfactory review of
strengths and weaknesses
from a DMC perspective
Two competitors
selected. Good
insightful digital
competitor analysis.
Good understanding
of current DMC
trends. Good
referencing for the
SWOT analysis.
Good review of
strengths and
weaknesses from a
DMC perspective
Two competitors
selected. Very good,
insightful digital
competitor analysis.
Very good
understanding of
current DMC trends.
Very good referencing
for the SWOT analysis
from a variety of
Very good review of
strengths and
weaknesses from a
DMC perspective
Two competitors
selected. Excellent,
insightful digital
competitor analysis.
understanding of
current DMC trends.
Excellent referencing
for the SWOT analysis
from a variety of
quality sources.
Excellent review of
strengths and
weaknesses from a
DMC perspective
Targeting, Branding
Provided a brief
summary of the
target marketing,
positioning and
branding from a
digital perspective
5 %
Little or no summary
provided of target
marketing, positioning
and branding from a
digital perspective.
Satisfactory summary
provided of target marketing,
positioning and branding from
a digital perspective.
Good summary
provided of target
marketing, positioning
and branding from a
digital perspective.
Very good summary
provided of target
marketing, positioning and
branding from a digital
Excellent summary
provided of target
marketing, positioning
and branding from a
digital perspective.
MKG203_Assessment3-DMCPlan Page 5 of 7
Provided a brief summary
Little or no summary
provided of objectives.
Satisfactory inclusion of SMART
Some objectives require
adjustments and/or alignment
with proposed DMC strategies.
Good inclusion of SMART
Objective are coherent
and aligned with proposed
DMC strategies and
support identified
Minor amendments
Very good inclusion of SMART
Objective are coherent and
aligned with proposed DMC
strategies and support
identified opportunities.
Few or no amendments
Excellent inclusion of SMART
Objective are coherent and
aligned with proposed DMC
strategies and support
identified opportunities.
No amendments required.
DMC Mix Plan
Demonstrated an
ability to develop DMC
strategies that reflect
an understanding of
the current DMC
environment and
applying research and
coursework concepts
to substantiate ideas.
Provided evaluation
45 %
Little or no DMC
strategies developed and
minimal applicationto
research and coursework
concepts to substantiate
No evaluation
Satisfactory range of DMC
strategies developed and
some application to
research and coursework
concepts to substantiate
Adequate evaluation
measures presented.
Good range of DMC
strategies developed
and good
application to
research and
concepts to
substantiate ideas.
Good evaluation
measures presented
aligned with
Very good range of DMC
strategies developedand
very good application to
research and
coursework concepts to
substantiate ideas.
Strategies supported by
referencing to a wide
variety of sources.
Detailed evaluation
measures presented
aligned with objectives.
Outstanding range of
DMC strategies
developed and
excellent application
to research and
coursework concepts
to substantiate ideas.
Strategies supported
by referencing to a
wide variety of quality
Detailed evaluation
measures presented
aligned with
MKG203_Assessment3-DMCPlan Page 6 of 7
Practical Example 1
Demonstrated an
ability to develop and
design DMC strategies
based on industry
10 %
Little or no
demonstration of an
ability to develop and
design DMC strategies
based on industry
Example not aligned to
DMC mix plan.
Satisfactory demonstration
of the design and/or
development of DMC
strategies based on industry
requirements. Lacked in
some areas of execution.
Some rationale provided.
Example satisfactorily
aligned to DMC mix plan.
Good demonstration
of the design and/or
development of
DMC strategies
based on industry
requirements. Good
execution and some
creativity displayed.
Good rationale
Example well aligned
to DMC mix plan.
Very good
demonstration of the
design and/or
development of DMC
strategies based on
industry requirements.
Very good execution and
creativity displayed.
Professional standard.
Very good rationale
Example very well aligned
to DMC mix plan.
demonstration of the
design and/or
development of DMC
strategies based on
industry requirements.
Excellent execution
and creativity
displayed. Industry
Excellent rationale
Excellent alignment to
DMC mix plan.
Practical Example 2
Demonstrated an
ability to develop and
design DMC strategies
based on industry
10 %
Little or no
demonstration of
an ability to
develop and
design DMC
on industry
Example not
aligned to DMC
mix plan.
Satisfactory demonstration of
the design and/or development
of DMC strategies based on
industryrequirements. Lacked in
some areas of execution.
Some rationale provided.
Example satisfactorily aligned to
DMC mix plan.
Good demonstration
of the design and/or
development of
DMC strategies
based on industry
requirements. Good
execution and some
creativity displayed.
Good rationale
Example well aligned
to DMC mix plan.
Very good
demonstration of the
design and/or
development of DMC
strategies based on
industry requirements.
Very good execution
andcreativity displayed.
Professional standard.
Very good rationale
Example very well
aligned to DMC mix plan.
demonstration of the
design and/or
development of DMC
strategies based on
industry requirements.
Excellent execution
and creativity
displayed. Industry
Excellent rationale
Excellent alignment to
DMC mix plan.
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Presentation and
Appropriate (length &
content) Professional
standard of writing
style, grammar,
spelling and editing.
Professional report
10 %
Major spelling and
errors throughout
the submission.
with submission
Limited orno intext referencing.
Overall report
Adequate writingstandard.
Some spelling and grammatical
errors throughout the
submission. Some
inconsistencies with submission
instructions. Limited in-text
referencing. Overall report
presentation satisfactory.
Good writing
standard. Minor
spelling and
grammatical errors
throughout the
submission. Some
inconsistencies with
instructions. Good
in-text referencing.
Overall report
presentation good.
Very good writing
standard. Few or no
spelling and
grammatical errors
throughout the
submission. Little to no
inconsistencies with
submission instructions.
Very good in-text
referencing. Overall
report presentation
Excellent writing
standard. No spelling
and grammatical errors
throughout the
submission. No
inconsistencies with
instructions. Excellent
in-text referencing
support. Overall report
professional and
industry standard.
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