2- Developmental Psychopathology

Developmental Psychopathology Paper Assignment
Due at the start of class on Dec.
Reaction Paper (15 %) & Presentation (5%) = (20% of total grade)
The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to connect the learning in this course to the experiences of those living with the diagnoses covered in class.
Overall description: You will find an individual to interview who has personal experience as an individual with a childhood diagnosis (made before the age of 18) that we have covered, or who is a parent to someone with a childhood diagnosis. For reasons of consent, the person you interview CANNOT be less than 18 years of age. You cannot interview yourself and you cannot interview someone that you are providing direct services for because of boundary issues. DO NOT identify them in the paper. Use a name such as Jane or John Doe. Other appropriate names could be Mr. X and Mrs. X. There is an automatic 20% deduction for papers in which the names are not clearly disguised. The interview should be cited without including the name of the source–e.g. “anonymous informant #3” or “recreational psilocybin user”– but you must explain in the text why you are not giving the name of your source. (Interviews, Personal Communication // Purdue Writing Labhttps://owl.purdue.edu)
You may audiotape the interview with the interviewee’s permission as long as you understand that you MUST destroy the tape as soon as you have completed this assignment. You will not submit any tapes to me.
Interview questions:
1. Obtain a description of the target individual with the diagnosis. This would include age, occupation (if any), schooling history, hobbies, a description of the family constellation (i.e., who is in the family), any history of the diagnosis in the family, and the target individual’s strengths and weaknesses. I will be looking for each of these components, so if the person does not have any hobbies (for instance) be sure to mention that.
2. What does the person believe to be the diagnosis? Have the person describe all the symptoms that are experienced/attributed to that diagnosis. Be sure to be specific here so that you have enough depth to this section. Examples would be a good way to do this. However, do NOT match this to the DSM criteria in this section. You are just getting their impressions.
Note: It is common for an individual to have more than one diagnosis. So that the assignments are as equivalent as possible, have the person identify the most prominent disorder and construct the interview around that issue. Do NOT go through the DSM and ask them to agree or disagree with the symptoms. Here, we just want to get a sense of what is salient to them. This is NOT a diagnostic interview.
3. Ask about the course of the disorder. When did it first start? What symptoms were first evident? How has it changed with time (if at all)? This could involve having no symptoms at this time. If the course is episodic, ask the person about each episode.
4. What circumstances make (or made) the symptoms worse? What coping mechanisms help (helped) in managing the symptoms?
5. Was there any treatment? If so, please describe what it was like and the current outcome.
6. What impact does the person imagine that this condition will have on their life? If you are interviewing the parent, I’m only interested in the perceived impact on the child’s life.
7. What does the interviewee believe to be the cause(s) of the condition?
8. Any other information that the person believes is relevant.
Interview Paper (15 %) & Presentation (5%) = (20% of total grade):
Paper Write – up Based on your interview you will write an approximately 2,000 word (1500 minimum, 2500 maximum) paper It must be written according to the APA 7 Student style (see “Writing Rubric” & APA 7 student version on Bb) and will include a “Title Page”, a Reference Page and Appendix. The Interview Paper is due Dec. prior to class.

The paper will be based on this interview analyzing the developmental psychopathology of the case using the “Developmental Psychopathology Framework” (Developmental Psychopathology, Amanda Venta (Editor), Carla Sharp (Editor), Peter Fonagy (Editor), Jack M. Fletcher (Editor) 2021, page xi) and the DSM 5.
Critically analyze how this person’s symptoms match or do not match with the diagnosis they have listed. In order to do this, you will need to reference the DSM 5. The DSM 5 is available in the library.
Remember that you are not a licensed mental health professional, and this is NOT a diagnostic interview. They very well might have met criteria if questions had been phrased in a different way.
So do NOT share your thoughts with the client about whether they do or do not have a diagnosis.
Describe what have you learned and how this information will help you in the future.

Failure to hand in this assignment on time will result in a zero for a grade.

Format of the paper:
Title page
Body of the paper
Developmental Psychopathology Framework
DSM 5 Analysis
What I Learned
Minimally two references: the text, the DSM 5. The anonymous source is considered a personal interview and should NOT be included in a reference list in APA. They are not considered recoverable data (they cannot be found by a researcher). The anonymous source should be cited in the text as follows: Jane Doe (anonymous source) in discussion with the author, January 2017.)
Interview Answers are to be included in the Appendix.
Write up your person’s responses to the answers to your interview in a professional format. Do not use bullet points and do not write this up as a transcript. You MUST follow the order of the questions so I can be sure that you addressed each one. For instance, I may not be sure if a parent considers engagement in art to be a strength or a hobby. Your answers need to show that you asked each question. Be sure to specify the interviewee and the target of the interview if they were different people (i.e. the parent and a child).
Each student will be expected to discuss what they learned from the interview with their MICRO Group. Each group will then summarize what was discussed and present their summary to the MACRO Group. Reminder anonymity of the person interviewed must be maintained at all times. Presentations will be made during the finals period Dec., during the finals period.
Note: students must be present in class for presentations in order to receive a full grade for this assignment.
Rules, Guidelines, and Tips
The paper (including all the components) is due at the start of class on Dec. Papers delivered late, even if during class, will be subjected to the late penalty detailed in your syllabus. Papers forgotten or papers late due to printer or computer problems will be subject to the same late penalty. A paper is considered complete when it has been submitted on Bb.
Papers that are less than 1500 words will be given an additional 20% deduction in addition to any points lost due to lack of quality/missing sections. A 10% deduction will apply for those above the word limit. Often papers are over the limit due to the inclusion of irrelevant information, or tangential topics being covered. If your paper is more than 2500 words, I may reconsider this deduction if you contact me 24 hours before the deadline and ask for permission for a longer paper. The diagnosis you are evaluating will be key in my decision and so you will need to send me a copy of the paper.
Please keep in mind that a paper that is 1500 words is at the minimum length and so should not be expected to earn a “good” score.
All papers not submitted to the plagiarism software will be scored a 0.
I will not accept papers via email. I have had too many cases of emails getting lost.
I will be grading on spelling, grammar, organization, and clarity.
This paper is to be your own work, not the result of group effort. I expect that you will work independently on this project. See the class plagiarism policy as well. To be clear, you should not paraphrase the DSM criteria as the wording is exact. Instead, you should put the DSM criteria in quotation marks. The university handbook has the information about the academic integrity policy; I will be following it and will expect you to do so as well.
Remember that we are covering a range of disorders including ADHD, Autism, Euresis, Learning Disorders, anxiety, and mood problems. As you will learn, the prevalence rates of childhood developmental psychopathology is high. Failure to find someone to interview is not justification for an extension on the assignment.
Grading Rubric for __________________________________________________________

Exemplary Commendable Acceptable Minimal No Credit
Question 1 Interview Summary (5 points)     
Question 2 Critical Analysis (5 points)     
Question 3 Reflection (3 points)     
Clarity/Grammar/Spelling (2 points)     

Deductions (e.g., Late) ______________
Total Score: ______________

Sections of Paper
Exemplary = Extremely thorough and thoughtful examination of the part of the paper. Responses show complete understanding of the material and exceptional insight and analysis. The author’s points are clear and specific examples will be used to illustrate those points. Insights are often unique and demonstrate significant reflection. Quotes are used appropriately.
Commendable = The question was examined in detail. Understanding of the material is demonstrated and above average insight demonstrated. The author’s points are generally clear and specific examples are sometimes used to illustrate those points. Average to above average consideration and discussion of question. The paper demonstrates that the author has reflected on the topic. The paper presents some unique points. Quotes are used appropriately.
Acceptable = The question is addressed, but lacking in the depth required of better scored papers. Content is somewhat vague and lacking in detail. Beginning insight is shown. Some understanding of the material is demonstrated. Lower than average level of consideration and discussion of question. The paper may overuse quoted material, and fail to show that the author understood the material.
Minimal = The question was addressed poorly. Content significantly lacks depth. Little to no discussion is given to the points. Superficial insight is demonstrated. The paper may significantly overuse quoted material and fail to show that the author understood the material.
No credit = Failed to answer the question entirely or answered another question.

Clarity/ Grammar/Spelling
Exemplary = Outstanding. Paper is well organized and flows well. Sentence structure and grammar is excellent. There are a maximum of 4 spelling or grammar errors including punctuation problems, spelling errors, run-on sentences, or other errors.
Commendable = In general, the paper is well structured. Sentence structure, grammar, and spelling strong despite occasional errors, up to a maximum of 6.
Acceptable = This paper is characterized by some organizational problems and may be difficult to understand at times. There are some problems in sentence structure, grammar, and spelling, up to 9 errors.
Minimal = Significant problems in sentence structure and grammar. Organization is lacking. There are up to 12 spelling or grammar errors.
No credit = More than 12 spelling or grammar errors. The reader may not be able to understand this paper due to a lack of organization and clarity.