2- Data Analysis

The Individual Essay (70%)
For the individual assignment, you will continue to work on your chosen firm, but, as the component title suggests, you should address this piece of work individually. You are required to write a concise essay of no more than 2500 words (excluding references, appendices and tables). You might want to make use of the research gathered for and used in the presentation but you need to expand upon this with your own individual research.
You are taking the empirical data you presented in your presentation and turning it into an academic essay which engages critically with international business academic literature on internationalisation (such as Dunning’s OLI and the Uppsala School). The title is open but a good starting point would be ‘The Internationalisation Strategy of [Your chosen firm] in entering [Your chosen market]’.
The presentation focused on the internationalisation of your firm. The essay should, instead, focus on using your firm as a case study to illustrate your arguments around the internationalisation process and academic theories developed to understand them.
Upon successful completion of this assignment you would achieve the following learning outcomes:
· the capacity to contribute to the development and review of international business strategy;
· skills to evaluate critically functional activities of international business organizations;
· a deeper understanding of international business;
· practiced your analytical and transferable skills through written work.
You should present your work typed, using Microsoft Word, and in essay format. It should be referenced correctly in line with University of Bristol standard procedure.
Your essay will be assessed against the following criteria:
1) The extent to which your essay addresses all aspects of the brief. It should avoid focusing on data and description, instead using academic literature critically.
2) The quality and range of resources used to analyse the company and its internationalisation strategies.
3) The quality of the analysis undertaken and the use of that analysis to produce reasoned and justified evaluations
4) Structure, quality and clarity of presentation: logic of essay structure, quality and clarity of written English, adherence to correct labelling and referencing procedure, general neatness of presentation.
Regarding reading, we expect you to include some factual information on your firm (drawing on reliable data sources), but the emphasis of the essay should be on the IB theories and your citations and reference list should be heavily weighted towards academic literature (books and journal articles). You are expected to cover the core reading as a bare minimum.