2- Data Analysis

Dear writer
Answer all parts of question 1-5.
Question: Is the data normal? Comparison of quartiles. The website research.collegeboard.org/programs/sat/data presents data for high school seniors who participated in the SAT program both current year and previous years. The 2019-total-group-sat… attachment contains multiple tables, each with different summary information. Go to the table for the overall mean scores and answer the following questions:
1. How many students took the SAT Critical Reading Test?
2. What was the mean and standard deviation of the scores?
3. Assuming the distribution of scores is normal with the mean and standard deviation given in the Overall Mean Scores table what would be the first and third quartiles of the distribution?
4. Now go to the table of Percentiles for Total Group and compare the first and third actual quartiles of the data with the values obtained from the Normal curve.
Does this give any evidence that the distribution of critical reading scores is not normal?
5. What are some ethical/legal considerations that CollegeBoard should have addressed in collecting and reporting this data? (eg see BPS:Book Chapter 10 attached)?
Introduction 100 words No references here
Questions 1 2 and 3 50 words each average
Questions 4 and 5 425
Conclusion 150 W

5 references less than 5 years at least 3 peer reviewed Do not use not dated references APA 7 2.0 12
( If possible, use the reference below )
Moore, D.S., William I Notz, W.I. & Fligner, M. (2017). The Basic Practice of Statistics, 8th edition ISBN-13: 978-1319042578
Thank you!