Note: Although this outline is not on cultural identity, it is a good example of the format of the Toulmin Method of Argument. This outline was written by a former student, but it has been tweaked for our purposes.
Claim/Thesis Statement: Although many lenient parents feel that spanking is a punishment too harsh for children, spanking is actually the best form of discipline.
I. First, spanking is a viable form of discipline is because when administered correctly, spanking puts an immediate stop to the misbehavior.
a. there is no debating the issue
b. no long battles with the child
c. immediately shows the difference between right and wrong
II. Spanking is also effective for all ages of children.
a. can be used for children from toddler to pre-teen
b. good for kids too young to understand long explanations of wrong behavior
c. children of all ages learn a lesson about how to behave
III. Most importantly, disciplining by spanking leads to better-behaved children who, in turn, become productive adults who can easily distinguish between right and wrong.
a. children come to learn what behavior is expected of them
b. since the child is not spoiled as a child, he will not be a spoiled adult
c. become adults capable of good judgment
d. knows that throughout life, there are consequences
e. the child will grow up to respect authority figures
Rebuttal (Opposition): Topic Sentence
IV. However, some cautious parents feel that spanking children is a cruel form of punishment.
Concession (Here’s where you discuss their views, motivations, thoughts, and beliefs). You can write the paragraph here, as the outline gives you room for, but it may be good idea to simply list what you would discuss in this paragraph).
a. time-out and grounding are more appropriate
b. simply talk to the child
c. spanking harms the child physically
d. spanking causes loss of self-esteem
e. spanking causes children to be violent with others
Refutation: Here’s where you go against what you wrote about in your concession part (the feelings and views of the opposition).
Be sure to begin this part with the word “However” or another transitional word of contrast.
For example,
However, giving a child time-out or simply talking to the child are not effective practices. Children may be too young to have an adult-like conversation about what they did and why it was wrong. Also, many children resist a time-out and will not stay in the designated spot. Many times when the child does this, the parent will give in and forget the punishment all together because it is not worth the hassle. Finally, spanking is not harmful to the child either physically or mentally if administered properly. Spanking does not have any lasting long-term effects on self-esteem, nor does it lead to extreme negative behavior.