2- Crime Analysis

On page 300 of Dr. Santos’ Crime Analysis with Crime Mapping textbook, there is an example of a pattern bulletin typically prepared by crime analysts to inform an audience about all that is known about a crime or disorder pattern. The pattern bulletins are one of the most common means for analysts to convey crime information both internally and externally. Only using the pattern of robberies deduced in Module 9 the student will prepare a Pattern Bulletin (AKA a BOLO) to depict the findings (meaning you are basically converting the module 9 text submission into a more aesthetically pleasing product for distribution). The final product should convey the: who, what, where, when and how of the crime pattern. The BOLO you prepare must have a map in it. The pattern we deduced in module 9 only provided beats for location. You may use any map and incorporate symbols to simulate where the robberies occurred (I understand this won’t be entirely accurate) but you need a map to enhance the pattern bulletin.