2- Conflict Management

You are working in a small consulting firm doing research for various clients. The company is struggling financially. Your workplace of 14 employees is a mix of gender, ages, cultural backgrounds and ethnicities. A potential client comes in with a project worth a great deal of money to your company. He wants a major research report within two weeks that “proves” that women are worse automobile drivers than men so that he can focus on only hiring males in his company. Your boss says this is a great project that will save where you work from going broke and you losing your job.
Identify where workplace conflicts are occurring and your position.


20% Clear and precise writing, solid grammar, and spelling. No jargon. This is not a “Tweet.” NO plagiarism and exceptional paraphrasing if used.
20% APA used accurately in BOTH the references at the bottom of your post and within the body of your writing. The references within the body of writing must appear close to the comments supported. There must be a date for references, not a “n.d.” If it’s a web site, you may have to look for the copyright year.
20% Very specific examples are used to illustrate the comment you are making, either from your own work or personal experience, or specific actions/events that you have seen or heard about. Don’t just “tell” me, “show me” through short, simple, examples.
40% You offer critical thinking that is a clear, fact-based opinion about why you believe what you have expressed matters and is useful.
Total /100%