2- Career Research Assignment

Career Research Assignment Guidelines :

• This assignment is 20 % of your grade.

• The research paper required for the course should adhere to the following requirements: MLA format
• In an Expository essay, it’s the writer’s job to explain, illustrate, clarify, or explicate in a way that the reader understands the investigation or evaluation of information. Use sound reasoning and solid evidence by stating facts, using examples, and quoting experts.

• Topic: (Use resources within the past 3 years)

• Career Research Assignment:

Discuss three current trends/ new developments taking place in your career field/ major.

* Example Thesis Statement: In the field of music production, streaming, catalogue pressure, and tech bundling are three trends transforming the career and taking limits off of the possibilities for next generation.

• The Essay must be a minimum: 650 – 900 words.
• The Cover page/Sentence Outline/Works Cited is not included in the word count.

• The research paper will consist of the following:

• Cover page: (Include the word count below the date on the Cover page.)

* Cover page: the following format should be used:
Title (phrase of 3 or more words)
Student’s Name

Professor C. Simpson
ENC 1101- 175
(Date is the day of submission.)
Word Count: ( -25 pts deducted if the word count is not included)

• Sentence Outline:

• See Example Sentence Outline in the Table of Contents/ MyCourses:
• (Do not include direct quotes in the Sentence Outline)

Introductory paragraph:

• A minimum of 7 sentences

• Be sure to include the Thesis Statement as your last sentence of the Introductory paragraph.

• Methods of development of the Introductory paragraph:

(see pgs. 96-100/ Chapter 4.5

3 Body Paragraphs:
• Include a transition in each Body paragraph Topic Sentence and Primary support sentence.
*Transitions: see pg. 80-81/Chapter 4.3

• A minimum of one direct quote and in-text citation needed for EACH Body paragraph.

Concluding paragraph:
• A minimum of 3 sentences needed
• Restatement of the Thesis : first sentence

• Methods of development of the Concluding paragraph:

• see pg . 100-102/ Chapter 4.5

• Works Cited Page

• MLA format.
Choose any of the following:

* Book (print/ E-book)
* Newspaper article
* Other sources (journals or web sources)


*Sentence Outline:
**Be sure to use the EXACT SAME number of supports /labeling/and punctuation as the Example Sentence Outline.
-Double –Space /12pt Times New Roman font
*Do not “Carbon Copy” from the Sentence Outline to the Essay:
This will result in a failing grade.
(Carbon Copy: To avoid “carbon copying” use different wording /phrasing from the Sentence Outline to the Essay.)
(Exception: Thesis Statement: You may use the exact same wording from the Sentence Outline to the Introductory paragraph.)

Sentence Outline: Titled: Outline
*Number the pages correctly: See notes: Last name and lower-cased roman numeral: placed in the upper right- hand corner
Example of first page of Outline numbering: Simpson i
Example for second page of Sentence Outline: Simpson ii
*The Sentence Outline will not include the Introductory paragraph.
* The Sentence Outline will not include the Concluding paragraph.

* Remember: Don’t begin the sentences in the Sentence Outline with the following specific parts of speech:
-coordinating conjunction
-subordinating conjunction
-infinitive phrase: to + action verb
– conjunctive adverb
-Exception: Thesis Statement

*Use correct labels/numbers/punctuation in the Sentence Outline format:
*Be sure each support is a complete thought/sentence (ending in punctuation).
*Be sure the topic sentence of each Body paragraph includes the main topic being discussed in the outline and the essay.

Essay: ( 5 paragraphs) ( Indent 5 times)
*Be sure the first page is formatted correctly: Heading (upper left- hand corner) and numbering the pages (upper right- hand corner). (See pg. 669/Chapter 47.1)
* Title -centered on the first page of the Essay.

*Do not Carbon Copy from the Outline to the Essay: in other words, don’t use the same wording and phrasing from the Sentence Outline: Use same ideas /different wording.

*Introductory paragraph: a minimum of 7 sentences: see pg. 96-100/Chapter 4.5
* Use variety of sentence diagrams
*Thesis Statement (last sentence)

Reminder: *3 Body paragraphs: Use variety of sentence diagrams
Use transitions where necessary (Topic Sentences/ Primary Support Sentences)
*REMINDER: Each Body Paragraph in the Essay must have a minimum of one direct quotes with in-text citations/MLA

*Concluding paragraph: a minimum of 3 sentences: see pg. 100-102/Chapter 4.5
Use variety of sentence diagrams
*First sentence: Restatement of the Thesis (Dfferent wording and phrasing of the Thesis Statement)

***Remember: The Essay must have 5 indentations.

***Works Cited page: Using MLA Documentation: see pg. 621-630/Chapter46
***When you use a direct quote, be sure to use the MLA format:
Remember: When you have a direct quote, you must follow with an in-text citation.
(Direct quotes must be enclosed with quotation marks.)
• You must introduce the direct quote. See pg. 596-598/Chapter43.5
**Works Cited page (Remember: When you have a direct quote, there must be a Works Cited page to inform the reader of the source.

Helpful Resources:
Writing Studio offered through the library Student Support Services:
Students can sign up for appointments for writing, research database/MLA help in the following links:
Appointments – Students can book appointments through LibCal.
Important links for grammar and research tutorial help:

1. ENC Library Guide – https://spcollege.libguides.com/ENC1101
2. Transitional Devices – This handy, one-page guide is a great reference to use when writing your papers: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/mechanics/transitions_and_transitional_devices/transitional_devices.html
3. Research Assistance – SPC librarians are here to assist you with research. Book a research consultation appointment with him/her to also learn how to create MLA in-text citations and a Works Cited page.
4. Citation Machines – Please remember they are rarely 100% accurate. Thus, always check the generated citation against the MLA Handbook. Purdue OWL MLA is a great online resource to utilize: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_guide/mla_works_cited_page_basic_format.html
5. MLA Resource – This guide provides instructions on how to format a MLA research paper and create in-text citations and a Works Cited page – https://spcollege.libguides.com/mla

*Note: number the page of the Works Cited: upper right- hand corner:
last name and number
*Note: “hanging “indention of sources required:
*See example: pg. 630/ Chapter 46.2

*When you submit the assignment, be sure to send each component in a separate document attachment:
same email:

Cover page/Sentence Outline/5 paragraph Essay/Works Cited

• Career Research Assignment