2- Autism

I would like this to be about Autism and the education system. How there is not a ton of resources as children get older in the school system and just how there is not a ton of resources for younger children in the school system either.

Basic Parameters 15pts Met page requirement (6-8 pages AND a Works Cited page). Utilized at
least six diverse, outside sources. Citations in MLA format. Essay is
argumentative in nature.
Introduction 15pts Clear, specific thesis that forecasts what’s to come in the paper and
makes an argumentative claim. The intro captures the intended
audience’s attention and provides background information.
Body Paragraphs 30pts Each paragraph has a main point (as shown in a topic sentence). Direct
quotations, paraphrase, and summary are all utilized well to
synthesize the information (and in-text citations are present to
indicate these outside sources). Transitions well between ideas and
the phrasing has an overall flow.
Conclusion 15pts Recaps the essay and restates the significance of the
information/claim. The conclusion wraps up the essay, bringing it do a
logical conclusion.
Citations and Works
15pts In-text citations clearly link to the sources listed on the Works Cited
page. These are in MLA format.
Grammar/Editing 10pts Tone is appropriate for a formal college-level research paper (stays in
third person point of view and avoids slang, etc.) Grammar, spelling,
punctuation, and other mechanics are carefully edited and there are
no errors