2- Assignment Paper

Please do the following:
• Review the paper you prepared for me (attached titled Week1FINAL)
• Please follow the highlighted instructions when responding to Natalie & Grace’s posts.
• Please respond with a thoughtful response.

Add to the conversation by contributing additional support of the student’s claims and your opinion on those claims. You do this by adding specifics (film, cinematic and/or historical) as well as elaborating on your reaction to the student’s claims (whether good or bad). Simply, stating that you completely “agree” with the other student’s post will not garner you full credit.

Natalie’s Response
1. She faced the barrier of England attempting to hurt the economy by no longer importing indigo from the colonies but Eliza had diversified her plantations crops so her family was relatively unaffected. She had to overcome the barrier of being a woman business owner at the time and face being “owned” by her husband although he let her resume operating the plantation.
2. She changed the face of agriculture in south carolina at the time as well as the colonies exports. We can learn to diversify what we are working on for long term sucess from her story as well as that women can be impactful in nontraditional industries. The continued planting of the crops Eliza planted in north carolina show what endures from her experience.
3. I do believe that Eliza would have been sucessful in the 21st century as she was able to think ahead and diversify her crops in order to keep her plantation afloat. Her long term thinking skills and willingness to pave the way for change show that she would succed in the 21st century.

Kristyn’s Response
1. The woman I have chosen to write about is Mary Katherine Goodard. The barriers she had to overcome were the death of her father and when she worked for her brother as a newspaper ediror and was then replaced by a man. One of the obstacles she faced during this time period was when she appealed all the way to Washington, she was denied because they didn’t want a woman to handle a large geographic territory.
2. During her time, Mary has high quality printing and was very attentive to detail and was asked to Print the Declaraction of Independence. In 1784 her brother came back and asked her to step down because he decided he wanted to run the business. After that she decided to start her own bookstore and binding business which she ran until she died.
3. I think Mary would’ve been successful in todays age because more women are gaining control in businesses and I feel like if her brother in todays age would try and discredit her, technology today makes it easier to get the real story from those who are trying to tell it.