2- Assignment Paper

**There are 4 Parts to this Assignment***Each Part is Separate***

Reading and Research Writing Class: Classmates Discussion Post Responses
PART 1: Use at least 95 words for this part (Respond to classmates Post)
Post By: Megan H.
Act 3 Scene 1

What words did you emphasize? Sleep as death might be like a dream-like state.

Is there any humor? No, not really. He is wrestling with heavy emotions.

What do you take to be the meaning of your selected lines? He is contemplating suicide or death in general. At this point in time, he can only see the bad in his life and craves better therefore he thinks dying could be like a dream state of mind. This speaks to me as a person because I have been there I have contemplated suicide and death. I have even attempted it. But God had other plans for me. I suffer from severe depression and these words hit home.

Reading and Research Writing Class: Classmates Discussion Post Responses
PART 2: Use at least 95 words for this part (Respond to classmates Post)
Post By: Kaley J.
I read Act 1, Scene 5, lines 9-23 by the character Ghost. Some words emphasized: father’s spirit, Doomed, eternal blazon, O,list. In the lines I selected, I don’t think that there is any humor in it. From what I can tell from this particular passage there isn’t double meaning. There are several things that I took to be the meaning of my chosen passage. Some of it surprised me and some of it made me curious as to what the Ghost was referring to. In line 9 of Act 1, scene 5 the Ghost states “I am thy father’s spirit,”. Here the Ghost is telling Hamlet that he is his father in spirit form. I think the Ghost made this a point to tell Hamlet, to get Hamlet to trust him. I think he wanted Hamlet to trust him because of some information he was about to tell him. Ghost in lines 10-13 says “Doomed for a certain term to walk the night, And for the day confined to fast in fires, Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature Are burnt and purged away.” From what I can gather here, is that Ghost is being punished because of wrongful things he did when he was still alive. This made me wonder what things he did in order to be punished in such a cruel way. And in lines 21-23 Ghost says “But this eternal blazon must not be To ears of flesh and blood. List, list, O, list! If thou didst ever thy dear father love-“. I think here Ghost is telling Hamlet that he has something very important to tell him and that the information may surprise him. Overall, I think the meaning of this passage is Ghost trying to gain the trust of Hamlet and to let Hamlet know that despite all the wrong he has done when he was living, he has something very important to tell him and that it may surprise him.

***Read the document attached labeled: Part 1 and Part 2 Instructions***
***I have also attached the readings in the document attached labeled: Week 8 Readings Pages 906-957 and Week 8 readings Pages 958-1005****

Spanish Class: Classmates Discussion Post Responses
PART 3: Use at least 42 words for this part (Respond to classmate’s Post)
Post by: Brittney T.
Understanding where our last name comes from will help us better understand the story of our existence. After watching the videos, I learned a few new things about Spanish culture and how their surnames come about. It is not uncommon for them to have two last names. In some Spanish cultures, the wife will keep their last name, the child will get their first last name from their father and their second last name from their mother. The father’s last name will continue down the line, while the mother’s last name comes to a halt. There are also four categories of surnames. Patronymic and matronymic, geographic surnames, occupational surnames, and descriptive surnames. It’s amazing how many ways surnames are established and their meanings.

Thomas comes from the Aramaic term t’om’a, which means “twin”. It is based on the first name of the father meaning “son of Thomas”. Thomas first appeared in southern Wales. If I used the rules applied in Spanish-speaking cultures my name would be Brittney Thomas Holland.

PART 4: Use at least 42 words for this part (Respond to classmate’s Post)
Post by: Tammy B.
After watching the videos I learned a few things about how last names are used differently in various cultures. In the Spanish culture last names are used differently coming from the father to the mother. Normally the wife keeps her last name and takes the husbands last name when they marry. When they have children the child takes both last names. When more children are born in the family it changes down the line from the grandparents to the great grand children and so on. Family names are different in other cultures depending on how they use middle and last names. In America we have the option to keep or drop our middle names and use out maiden name and our new married name. Sur names are assigned to people by where they live and what job they perform. Sur names are different in all cultures and are different for men and women. The etymology of my last name Black is Scottish and english and the black name was given a nickname to the swarthy or dark haired men. In the Spanish culture my full name would be Tammy Clarke Black.

***Read document attached labeled: Part 3 and Part 4 Instructions****