a reflection paper where you compare and contrast between the two movies (Hotel Rwanda and Equilibrium) and analyze how well each one explores the question of what it means to be human.
Use 12-point font. Double space.
The length should be 800 – 1,000 words.
Be sure to include a title centered at the top of the first page.
You are encouraged to quote, summarize and/or paraphrase from any of the texts we have read, but when you do so, be sure to use proper in-text citation.
Include a Works Cited page at the end of the paper.
• What are the similarities and differences of both movies in terms of character portrayal, setting, symbolism, and communication of themes?
• How do the ways of delivering those messages differ?
• Which one speaks more effectively to you, a modern reader/viewer?
• Does either one connect with any other texts you have read or any of your life experiences?
• What does each one have to say about what it means to be human—do they have similar or very different messages?