2- Aristotle Theories

This paper is based on defining what the requested sections are. The instructor requires specific explanation of any sources used and how they were used in the bibliography. It is very specific to Thomas Aquinas, who worked on Aristotle’s theories. An example of the format is available.

Paper Section 1
Prompt: Define and explain the five predicables. (1 Page)

Paper Section 2
Prompt: [1] Define and explain four causes: (1) matter, (2) form, (3) agent / efficient cause, (4) end / final cause. [2] Analyze two objects in terms of the four causes. Make sure your examples are original to your own paper, not borrowed from examples in class or from your classmates. (2 Pages)

Paper Section 3
Prompt: [1] Explain how Aquinas proves the existence of God from motion (prima via). [2] Explain two of his other arguments for the existence of God.
(6.5 pages)