2- Alimentary Canal

23.1 Overview
1.Please list in order the organs of the alimentary canal starting where chemical & physical digestion starts
2.How are accessory organs different? Please list them here.
23.2 Processes and Regulation
23.4 Stomach1. What are the six activities involved in the digestive system?
2. How is this system controlled?
23.4 Stomach
1. What is the benefit of the low pH gastric juices?
2. Where does the digestion of proteins start?
3. Describe what happens when you get “dry heaves”. Think about it.
23.5 Intestines
What is the region of the small intestine immediately following the stomach?
What is the purpose of villi? How do you think they are related to bloating or gassiness if we eat something that is not agreeing with us? (Think: why is fiber so important in our diet?)
23.6 Accessory Organs
1.What is the role of the gall bladder? Do you think we need it? Why or why not?
2.We hear a lot about the pancreas, in terms of feedback mechanisms and it has been discussed in many of our chapters thus far. What does it do, specifically?
23.7 Digestion & Absorption
1.What is the role of a micelle and a lacteal? (say what?)
2.We know that we need vitamin D to absorb Calcium from our intestine, if, of course, we have taken in enough calcium. Please discuss the process of absorption from the intestine
3.Please discuss how nutrients get to the liver, from our intestine.
4.What is better; fat soluble or water-soluble vitamins? Why?

24. 1 Overview of Metabolic Reactions
1.When we put a tortilla chip laden with salsa into our mouths, the digestion process has begun via our teeth and amylase. What specific kind of reaction is this?

2.What type of molecule is being broken down?

3. What kind of a reaction is it when our bodies synthesis ATP by combining a phosphate group with ADP (Di or two phosphates?)

4. Then what is it called when the ATP is used for energy and becomes P and ADP again?

24. 5 Metabolic States of the Body
When you eat more and more of those chips (you are in the ___________state) and
that salsa from #1 above, the levels of ______________in your blood rises.
The pancreas releases_________________________to stimulate the uptake of
_______________by the liver, muscle cells and adipocytes (fat cells).

Now you move into the __________________state as glucose levels drop. Now the
pancreas releases _________________________to breakdown glucagon

What must then happen for our body to burn fats (via ketone bodies) instead of the carbs?

24. 6 Energy and Heat Balance
Recall that the hypothalamus regulates our body temperature during
_____________________feedback, because the process is (Shut down? Turned up?)
when the temp. reaches 98.6 after rising or falling. We get energy (ATP) from
catabolism of our food, and the extra energy is released as ______________________.
24.7 Nutrition and Diet
1.The MINIMUM number of calories you need to stay alive is _____________________. Exercise (like walking!) requires more.
2.Extra calories from fats will be stored as _______________
Extra calories from proteins will be stored as ________________
Extra calories from carbs will be stored as________________

3. The fastest of the above (#2) macromolecules to break down and give us quick energy is _________________because there are fewer bonds.

4. How do we get Vitamin B? Is it stored? If so, where?

How do we get the mineral Calcium? Is it stored? If so, where?