Human Resource Management – Reward Management

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The first assessment is a reward design project. Acting as if you are the new HR Reward Consultant for an organisation, your task is to design a reward strategy and policy.

To begin:
• Select a real organisation that you will “work for”; the scenario is that this organisation is creating a new Division or new sister company; (for those of you with ideas of running your own business, you may base it on a new organisation that you will/would like to start)
• Note relevant factors which determine the organisation’s type and operational context: Private, Public, or Third Sector; local, regional, national, international, MNC; established, developing, start-up; large, medium, small; financial parameters; market sector; product or service offered; any other parameters of relevance to your work so that you can ensure your design will achieve required outcomes – particularly organisational cohesion and performance optimisation;
• Investigate it’s approach to reward; (if you are devising an entirely new organisation then look at similar organisations to benchmark against)
• Design an optimal reward strategy and a policy to match it for the planned new Division or company, based on your evidenced knowledge and understanding of the organisation’s strategic goals.
• DO NOT regurgitate actual corporate data in your design; this must be your original developed work based on your investigation and evaluation of the organisation and its current/intended infrastructure.

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