Tourism & Globalisation

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Assignment :


Select a developing country or region within a developing country of your choice and prepare a poster/presentation that investigates:


The implications of globalisation for (insert the selected developing country or region within a developing country)


This assignment is to be prepared as a ‘poster-presentation’, accompanied by a written 500-word (+/-10%) abstract, and a max. 10 minutes presentation.


The aim of this poster presentation is to clearly identify ONE key implication of tourism and globalisation for your chosen developing country or region within a developing country.


You can choose any means of presentation that you feel is most appropriate such as for example: paper based ( e.g. traditional poster), multimedia based (e.g. a video clip), or even a performance if you like. Your presentation will be followed by a 10 minutes Q&A session.


The aim is for you to captivate an audience of fellow students and academics to bring across the key issues of tourism and globalisation for your selected developing country or region within a developing country.


The accompanying abstract should be no more than 500-words (+/-10%) and should summarise your key arguments in an academic manner with appropriate referencing.


Assessment Criteria


To achieve a pass, you will have:


  • demonstrated knowledge and critical understanding of relevant globalisation issues, theories and concepts;
  • demonstrated that you have in-depth knowledge of your chosen developing country or region within a developing country;
  • shown an ability to interpret and apply relevant theories and concepts to a specific developing country or region within a developing country;;
  • demonstrated skills in communicating an argument based on clear use of supporting evidence in a concise manner;
  • shown creativity and innovation to get your ideas across to a wider audience.


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