Business Brief – Evaluating the Company Situation

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Evaluate the company situation for your GLO-BUS company. After answer all the questions at the above write 4 pages business brief witch must include three points:

  • Conduct a competitive analysis.
  • Conduct an industry analysis.
  • Develop a SWOT analysis that includes prices and costs.
  • Conclusion


  1. What are the “weapons of competition” that rival companies in the digital camera industry can use to gain sales and market share?
  2. What are the factors affecting the intensity of rivalry in the industry in which your company is competing? Would you characterize the rivalry and jockeying for better market position, increased sales, and market share among the companies in your industry as fierce, very strong, strong, moderate, or relatively weak? Why?
  3. Are there any driving forces in the industry in which your company is competing? What impact will these driving forces have? Will they cause competition to be more or less intense? Will they act to boost or squeeze profit margins? List at least two actions your company should consider taking in order to combat any negative impacts of the driving forces.
  4. Draw a strategic group map showing the global market positions of the companies in your industry as concerns entry-level cameras. Which companies do you believe are in the most attractive position on the map? Which companies are the most weakly positioned? Which companies do you believe are likely to try to move to a different position on the strategic group map?
  5. Draw a strategic group map showing the global market positions of the companies in your industry as concerns multi-featured cameras. Which companies do you believe are in the most attractive position on the map? Which companies are the most weakly positioned? Which companies do you believe are likely to try to move to a different position on the strategic group map?
  6. What do you see as the key factors for being a successful competitor in the digital camera industry? List at least three.

Likewise, you want conduct the following analysis of you company’s internal situation:

  1. What hard evidence can you cite that indicates your company’s strategy is working fairly well (or perhaps not working so well, if your company’s performance is lagging that of rival companies)?
  2. What resource strengths and resource weaknesses does your company have? What external market opportunities for growth and increased profitability exist for your company? What external threats to your company’s future well-being and profitability do you and your co-managers see? What does the preceding SWOT analysis indicate about your company’s present situation and future prospects? where on the scale from “exceptionally strong” to “alarmingly weak” does the attractiveness of your company’s situation rank?
  3. Does your company have any core competencies? If so, what are they?
  4. What are the key elements of the value chain of each company in the digital camera industry?
  5. Do a competitive strength assessment for your company and two other companies that you and your co-managers consider to be very close competitors. Which of the three companies is competitively strongest? Which is competitively weakest? Does the strongest company appear to have a significant competitive advantage over the other two companies? Why or why not?

Companies are categorized from the strongest to the weakest:

First: (strongest) Aero Shots

Second: C Company (This is my Company)

Third: D Daily Capture

Forth: E Company

Fifth: F Company

Sixth: (weakest) Bravo Pictures

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