Built Environment laws

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Task: The purpose of this assessment task is to introduce you to identifying the current state of the law on a legal issue which affects the built environment and communicating the current state of the law and any outstanding issues that need to be resolved in the law on your chosen topic. You must find an article (which can be sourced from a newspaper, an industry bulletin, a government website, the Commonwealth or any State Law Reform Commission site, expert consultancies or law firm sites). The article must not be dated earlier than 1 January 2015. You will then write a short piece which clearly sets out:
(1) The legal issue raised;
(2) The current state of the law (including, if relevant, if there is an absence of legal regulation at
(3) Any proposed reforms to the current state of the law;
(4) Whether you agree or disagree with any proposed law or proposed reforms (including any
unwillingness of the Commonwealth or any State legislature to legislate to deal with the issue) and your reasons for your agreement or disagreement. It must be 1,000 words only, 1.5 pages. It must be in a report format

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