Political Advocacy during the Federal Theatre Project

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Theatre artists in the modern period have demonstrated a particular emphasis on theatricalizing political advocacy. This was particularly true during the brief but passionate era of the Federal Theatre Project. Your 7-8pp. research paper investigates the role of an artist or group of artists in the Federal Theatre Project as political activist by situating his/her/their work within the broader social context. What is the political point of view as expressed through his/her/their work in the Federal Theatre Project? What strategies are used to advocate for his or her position? What ideas and values are expressed or advanced through this interpretation? You may focus on one particular production in the Federal Theatre Project or a body of work by one individual artist or one group of artists.

You must reference at least 4 sources that provide context for the Federal Theatre Project and/or political and social context. Wikipedia, About.com, etc. do not count (though you can start there and follow links). JSTOR and Project Muse are good databases to use in searching for sources. Another good place to start is the New York Public Library Schomburg Collection’s recently digitized WPA (Work Progress Administration) Photographs: https://www.nypl.org/blog/2017/01/12/clone-schomburg-treasures-wpa-photographs (Links to an external site.). There you can navigate to photos from the Federal Theatre Project.

Papers should reflect thorough research, proper citations, and a clear argument. They should also make use of proper grammar and punctuation. Think carefully about the organizational structure of your paper. Use specific examples from the text to support your argument. Choose a title that will engage the interest of your reader.

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