A book review of the following book Hugh White, The China Choice, (Melbourne: Black Inc., 2012).

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A book review of the following book Hugh White, The China Choice, (Melbourne: Black Inc., 2012).

Suggested Structure

Introduction (? 200 words): Introduce the book and your approach. You do not want
to turn your assignment into a summary or a description. As such, it would be wise
to focus on one (or only a few) different elements of the book. Perhaps this may be its
argument, or one or more of its conceptual assumptions, or any inconsistencies in
logic. The introduction should explain what element of the book the review is going
to focus, the position the review is going to take and a “plan” of the review.

Conceptual Context (? 500 words): The review should focus on one element of the
book. In this section, students should summarise the specific argument, concept,
theory or logical consistency that the book review is focusing on. It should place this
element within a wider context (e.g. a review that is going to focus on the book’s
approach to the “balance of power” or “strategic interests” or “state behaviour”
should place these concepts within the wider existing literature). In this section,
students will need to refer to at least another five scholarly books or journal articles
to provide a minimal amount of conceptual context.

Body (? 1,000 words): This section maybe divided into several subsequent sections.
This is where the review marshals the evidence to make its argument. If the
argument is historical or empirical (i.e. the book’s argument, theory, conceptual
assumptions, or logic does not match the historical or empirical realty), then this
section may consist more of data and evidence. If the book review’s argument
focuses on logical consistency, conceptual clarity or theoretical explanation, then this
section will be more conceptual and literature driven. Either approach is fine. The
“body” will be judged by how well it argues the point and uses evidence.

Conclusion (? 100): This section will restate the argument before explaining its
significance. That is, what does the book review’s findings mean for policy or the
theoretical literature?

Footnotes and reference (? 200): Footnotes and reference are included in the word

References should include peer reviewed journals and books, and government websites. Strictly no newspaper articles/ opinion pieces etc.

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