Coca-Cola Corporate Strategy
· What are the various businesses that are part of the corporation’s business portfolio?
· Are the businesses positioned in similar or related product markets and industries?
· Are there common capabilities used by each of the businesses or are the capabilities required for each difference very different?
Coca-Cola Product Scope
· Analyze the corporate strategy of the selected firm product scope in which it operates
· Has the firm expanded from its initial product line or field of operation
Coca-Cola Geographical Scope
· Analyze the corporate strategy of the selected firm geographical scope in which it operates
Coca-Cola Vertical Scope
· Analyze the corporate strategy of the selected firm vertical scope in which it operates
· Does the firm own vertically related activities along the value chain for its products?
Coca-Cola Corporate Structure
· Analyze the firm’s overall corporate structure and key management systems.
· Does the firm employ any of the following three elements of corporate strategy: diversification, vertical integration, or globalization?
· Are global alliances an overall part of the corporate strategy?
· Analyze the strategic fit between the business and corporate strategies of the selected firm
· Do the businesses within the company seem to have a good strategic fit with one another?
· Are the companies of more value given that they are part of this corporation or would they be more valuable as independent businesses?
· Review analysis points
· 4 pages without Title page
· APA format: 4 academic sources
· Minimum 5 sentence complete paragraphs