Reflection on Indigenous policy making/analysis




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Instruction, Please answer all questions.


     Reflect your meaning making about Indigenous policy making/analysis. 

A.       Perhaps you have worked in an Indigenous organization and are familiar with Indigenous policy making – in your meaning making of your practice, do these Indigenous policies truly reflect Indigenous philosophies, values and practices? How so?

B.        Perhaps you have not worked in an Indigenous organization that includes Indigenous policy making.  What are some strategies to understand why there is no policy, practice standard in place to understand and/or include Indigenous ideology in this organization.

     Examine your location in this and if you feel it is necessary for you to understand policy making as it relates to Indigenous people, even if your workplace does not include it.


     (Main Question) How has this course informed how you think through Social Work Policies?  How has this course informed your practice?  What are your thoughts about how to advocate for policies, practice standards, regulations that are reflective of Indigenous philosophies?


     Include up to three references for your posting from reading package/podcasts/videos- week 5-12.




Grading Criteria – Assignment #1


Your meaning making and original answer to the question 4 marks


Use of references within each post (min 5 sources  2.5 marks


How this informs your knowledge and/or praxis? 2 marks


Clear & Concise writing –1.5 marks



Course Description


This course builds on the structural theories and perspectives of social work practice this course includes a historical overview of Indigenous policies in Canada with a view to inform social work practice. The focus will be on in-depth exploration and critical analysis of past and present policies of Canadian governments that affect the lives of Indigenous peoples. Contemporary responses and initiatives of Indigenous peoples through their own policies and practices will be discussed. Through discussions and assignments students will explore how policies are developed and develop a critical analysis of how social policy impacts practice.


Course Objectives



Objectives of the Course

•    Students will gain an understanding and awareness of historical and contemporary colonial legislation and policies as they pertain to Indigenous peoples

•    Understand the link between historical and contemporary colonial policies and practices in Canada and their relationship to present socio-economic positions of Indigenous peoples today.

•    Students will be introduced to the process and skills associated with the ‘policy cycle’

•    Students will learn how Indigenous peoples are challenging, changing and creating policies

•    Students will understand anti-colonial approaches to policy analysis and the implications for advocacy for policy change and for the development of new policies

•    Through discussions and assignments, display an awareness of the issues, resources and goals of contemporary Indigenous peoples and the movement toward sovereignty and self-determination

•    Develop a deeper understanding in the connection between policy and practice


Please Note : *Indigenous peoples in Canada and throughout this course refers to First Nation, Metis and Inuit peoples.