Growth Accounting and Productivity Estimation Exercise
This is an exercise in growth accounting and estimating productivity, and will help you
prepare for Exam 2. A companion Excel file contains all the data you will need. That file has the
average growth rates per decade of output per worker, ŷ , capital per worker, k̂ , and human
capital, ĥ for various counties. It also contains output, capital and human capital per worker
relative to the US for 2010 ( , , )i US i US i USy y k k h h for the sample of countries. The following is
your assignment:
1. Identify the country associated with your last name. You were perform all calculations
only on that country and the US. If you cannot find your name on the list, pick a country of a
student you do not know. If you do not know where your assigned country is, locate it on a map.
2. For your country and the US compute the growth rate of output per worker that is
attributable to factor growth and what is attributable to TFP growth for each decade. Compute
the average TFP growth for both countries across the six decades. Compare your country with
the US with regards to factor growth and TFP growth.
3. Compute the relative productivity of your country to the US in 2010, i USA A . Explain
briefly what this ratio means.