Social Bond Theory And Social Learning Theory

Discuss  the development of two (2) of the following four (4) theories. For each  theory, discuss a) its origins, b) core propositions, c) evolution, d)  how the theory explains offending, and e) the major criticisms.

a. Social bond theory

b. Strain theory

c. Social learning theory

d. Life course theory

Don’t forget to add scholarly research that backs up answer. Do not list using bullet points
Some references can include but are not limited to: any work from–
Agnew, R.
Akers, R. & Sellers, C. (2013). Criminological theories: introduction, evaluation, and 
application. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-984448-7
Cohen, A.K. 
Messner, S. & Rosenfeld, R.