Assignment Paper

Choose a company whose products you are familiar to use as the example for this exercise.

  • They must produce a tangible product. (No services allowed.)
  • Must be a real company.

Identify the important attributes for your chosen product and select two key variables for your perceptual map. 

Prepare a perceptual map for your chosen product/brand.

  • Use a minimum of seven competitors
  • Rank each product/brand on the two variables based on how they are positioned in the consumers’ minds. 

Create a 10 to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with notes including the following:

  • Summary slide
  • Target market – this should take up four slides.One slide for each element of the target market.
  • Perceptual map
  • Map placement explanations
  • References
  • Place your explanations in the note section.

Explain why you placed each competitor on its particular spot on the map, and how you might strengthen your chosen product/brand’s position in the minds of the target market. 

Explain your target market.

  • Cover all four variables – demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioral.