Assignment Paper

Question 1 -When a company expands to a new foreign market, which of the following would be a better option? Justify your choice.

(1) Use local distributers in the foreign market. (2) Establish their own distribution channels in the foreign market.


Question 2 – The fear of getting ruined through cannibalization losses has recently deterred many firms from deploying the Internet as a distribution channel.” Based on your own experience, do Internet channels really cannibalize firms’ entrenched channels



Question 3- Manufacturers locate near their resources, while retailers locate near their customers.” Does this statement make sense in your industry



Question 4- Consider a firm such as Dell, with few production facilities worldwide. List the pros and cons of this approach and discuss if this approach is suitable for the computer industry.



Question 5 – Was Daktronics’ implementation of lean manufacturing sucessful? If yes, what factors were most responsible for the success? If no, what were the concerns?



Question 6- With respect to lean manufacturing, what do you see as “next steps” for Daktronics? Give a detailed description of a possible “next step”.