SCDM71-316 – Structures and Soil Mechanics Assignment Submission Summary
This project is an individual submission Method of delivery – Electronic submission through SafeAssign (plagiarism checking software) – See iLearn for details. This project is weighted at 30% of the overall grade for this subject Project details This project is aimed at getting you to understand and interpret structures in the builtenvironment. Engineers make decisions on materials, member shape and the connections for the individual members that make up a structure based on their understanding of how each of them performs under loads and over time. This project requires you to be that engineer and consider how these factors influence material choice and building shape. You will be required to investigate the “Long Sutton Studio” structure as a case study. Respond to the following tasks with headings representing the task objective. You are to assume that this structure was to be built in Australia for the purposes of considering loads and other factors that may be unique to a region. Part 1: Prescriptive tasks (no word limit – please respond to the tasks as concisely as possible) 1. Provide a brief summary of the structure detailing its use and any interesting features about the structure. 2. Annotate on a picture of the structure all the dead loads. 3. Consider AS1170.1. What are the live loads that this structure be designed for? Are there any other considerations (based on the structure’s use) that the engineers should consider? 4. Draw the tributary areas for each column. 5. Draw the load path for a person standing on the roof. Use both plan and elevation views. 6. Discuss how stability is provided to the structure. Be sure to consider the wind from both primary directions. 7. Consider the materials used within the structure. Discuss why the materials have been chosen and how any issues common to the materials were managed. 8. Identify the likely footing system to be adopted for this structure. Draw a cross section of this footing labelling necessary construction elements. How would this footing system differ if the structure was made from steel? (hint: identify any assumptions that you have made and how that assumption would impact on the likely footing choice) 9. Consider the connection between the rafter and the column. Discuss the load path through the connection and identify the types of forces in each element of the connection. Do the same for the cross-bracing connection to the column. 10. Considering the serviceability criteria of deflection, identify the limits prescribed by the Australian Standards for this structure. Part 2: Concept and research based (no word limit – just respond to the tasks) 1. Locate a similarly-sized structure made predominately from either concrete or steel. This could be online, through library resources or at a physical location you can visit (being able to visit such a place will help you answer the following tasks but is not necessary). The structure may or may not have walls, that is up to you. a. Briefly report on the structure, where it is located and its use (100 words max.) Show. photos of the whole structure, the roof, the columns and the walls (optional) in an appendix. b. Describe the form (e.g. I-beam C-section, flat plate) of the elements that make up the roof structure. Why are they that shape? c. Compare the approximate mass of your chosen structure and the mass of the “Long Sutton Studio”. State any assumptions you have made. Show your working. d. Conduct a ‘life cycle assessment’ of the energy usage in relation to your chosen structure and compare it to the life cycle assessment for the “Long Sutton Studio”. In responding to this task, you should firstly define ‘life cycle assessment (LCA)’ and the purpose of conducting one. Your response to this task should be approximately 1000 words and you should use at least 3-4 sources but more is encouraged. Final information Concise ‘dot-point’ style responses should be adopted for the prescriptive tasks (Part 1) while an essay style response is more appropriate for the concept and research-based tasks (Part 2). You are still encouraged to use sub-headings to make your essay easier to read. As part of a research assignment you are expected to use referencing (including in-text citation and a suitable reference list). You are free to select an appropriate referencing style as long as you are consistent thorough out your assignment. You are also expected to use clear and concise language and sentence structures. Some of the marks are allocated to the overall writing standard and presentation of the report.
Assignment checklist. □ Title page □ Report summary □ Contents page □ Written report with clear and appropriate headings, relevant and necessary photos/imagery, sketches, figure titles, in-text referencing etc. □ Reference list □ Appendix (information in the appendix will NOT be marked but you can be used to support your answer) Note: No need for assignment cover sheet due to the electronic submission.