Critically evaluate how and in what ways you can be enterprising in the career you aspire to achieve.





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Task Details:


Critically evaluate how and in what ways you can be enterprising in the career you aspire to achieve.


This is an open assessment task which should be equivalent to 2,000 words. By ‘open’ we mean that you can discuss with your tutor the exact nature of your assessment format (method and structure). Please note that assignments submitted in the format of a report or essay WILL NOT be accepted as you are encouraged to be enterprising within this assignment by exploring an alternative approach to written work.


Some examples of work which can be submitted are:


·      a PowerPoint presentation with an ‘integrated’ voice over

·      diagrams and flowcharts with annotations

·      ‘mind maps’ and/or cartoons with accompanying commentary

·      a series of linked documents (Word, PowerPoint, etc) joined up with an ‘overview’ document providing the narrative

·      a video

·      a screencast

·      a series of electronic posters

·      an infographic


Particular instructions to students:


Your report should include:


·       Outline of career aspirations including rationale for choice

·       Analysis of why this choice is preferred given alternative options

·       Critical evaluation of suitability for chosen career

·       Critical evaluation of how and in what ways you can be enterprising within your chosen career

·       Clear and justified plan of action to assist job hunting and identify ways in which you can employ enterprise skills upon embarking on your chosen career

Weighted Assessment Criteria:


Your task will be graded against the following weighted criteria;


·       Knowledge and understanding of the key concepts of entrepreneurship and innovation (25%)

·       Use of resources to support arguments and discussions (25%)

·       Use of analytical frameworks to support the analysis presented (25%)

·       Evidence of introspection and PPDP (25%)


Study Skills Support


Study skills support for this assessment will be provided throughout the lectures and seminar sessions. It is imperative that you engage in these sessions, the directed tasks / readings and wider reading of the subject area. There are specific assessment seminars / workshops (see schedule above) which take place during semesters 2 to support students with preparing for this assignment.


Feedback & Feed-forward Strategy and how students can access their Feedback


Students will be provided with feedback in the following ways;

·       Individuals will receive continual feedback on understanding through group and individual discussions and through applying knowledge.

·       There will be opportunities every week during the first and second semester seminars to ask your tutor questions about the assessment;

·       Sessions / workshops will be provided in semester two with a focus on preparing for the assignment;


Assessment Criteria 


Module Title:

Enterprise for Hospitality and Tourism Professionals



Assessment Title:

Open Format Assessment






Demonstrates critical knowledge and understanding of key concepts including the nature of enterprise, entrepreneurship and innovation within the hospitality and tourism industries (25%)

Use of resources to support the analysis presented (25%)

Ability to draw upon analytical frameworks to support discussion regarding suitability for chosen hospitality or tourism career (25%)

Evidence of introspection throughout resulting in a clear set of action points for future personal and professional development (25%)

80 – 100% Outstanding Work

Exceptional knowledge and in-depth understanding of principles and concepts

Extensive evidence of integrating appropriate supplementary sources

Extensive evidence of relevant and perceptive application of theory, and/or empirical results where applicable

Holistic sense of critical reflection

70 – 79%

Excellent Work

Excellent knowledge and in-depth understanding of principles and concepts

Evidence of extensive reading of supplementary sources

Clear evidence of relevant application of theory, and/or empirical results where applicable

Excellent  sense of critical reflection

60 – 69%

Very Good Work

Comprehensive knowledge and in-depth understanding of principles and concepts

Evidence of reading a range of supplementary sources

Very good evidence of relevant application of theory, and/or empirical results where applicable

A very good sense of critical reflection

50 – 59%

Good Work

Appropriate knowledge and understanding of principles and concepts

Evidence of reading directed reading and some supplementary sources

Occasional relevant application of theory, and/or empirical results where applicable

A good sense of critical reflection

40 – 49%

Acceptable Work

Basic knowledge of key principles and concepts only

Evidence of basic reading only

Limited evidence of relevant application of theory, and/or empirical results

An acceptable sense of critical reflection

35- 39%

Marginal Fail

Limited and/or superficial knowledge of key principles and concepts

Minimal evidence of reading

No evidence of relevant application of theory, and/or empirical results

A poor sense of critical reflection

0- 34%


Insufficient evidence of key principles and concepts

Little or no evidence of reading

No evidence of relevant application of theory, and/or empirical results

No evidence  of critical reflection