Assignment Paper

Week 5 Career Opportunities Research and Report

Total Possible Point 160

In completing this assignment, learners will research psychological specialties available in the workforce to gain an understanding of the careers in psychology. Research the psychology specialties listed below using the Occupational Outlook Handbook at the American Psychological Association website at


· Child Psychologist

· Counseling Psychologist

· Clinical Psychologist

· Developmental Psychologist

· Experimental Psychologist

· Forensic Psychologist

· Industrial-Organizational Psychologist

· Health Psychologist

· Neuropsychologist

· School Psychologist

· Social Psychologist

· Sports Psychologist



· After researching each of the career specialties, write a pair (2) of succinct and thorough paragraphs summarizing the job responsibilities, work locations, salaries, education, licensing requirements and career outlooks for each career represented as percentage of growth expected.

· Following each of the 12 paragraph pairs, note whether the specialty in psychology would be of interest to you as a career option in the future, explaining your reasons.

· Once the 12 sets of paragraphs and interest or non-interest explanations are complete, compile them into a single APA formatted paper using the career titles as separate, APA formatted headings within the paper body.

· Wrap up the paper with two paragraphs comparing the way in which information about the 12 careers is communicated in the Occupational Outlook Handbook versus how it is communicated on the APA website (i.e. which format was the easiest to navigate and understand, had the most useful information, etc.).

· Provide specific one or two examples to exemplify the general comparisons provided.

Include a minimum 8 to 10 pages, not including the required APA formatted title and reference pages; submit APA style in-text citations throughout the work as well.

The basic parts of a paper should also be included; these are the openingintroduction section, with a precise thesis statement, the body of the paper with clear, discernable headings formatted to APA style levels of heading where appropriate, and a conclusion that restates the thesis and summarizes the major points of the entire paper.

You may also see Purdue’s OWL for general APA formatting information and for formatting help on many topics.




Needs Improvement



Summary of Careers

40 points possible

Student provides succinct, inclusive summary of each 12 career specializations identified, including job responsibilities, work locations, salaries, education, licensing requirements and career outlooks details.

Student provides succinct, inclusive summary of at least 10 of the 12 career specializations identified, details of job responsibilities, work locations, salaries, education, licensing requirements and career outlooks are largely included in summaries.

Student provides marginal summary of less than 10 career specializations identified, including minimal details of job responsibilities, work locations, salaries, education, licensing requirements and career outlooks.

Student does not provide summaries of the identified career specializations.


Interest of Specialization

40 possible points

Student identifies level of interest in each of the 12 career specializations, providing thorough rationale for each area.

Student identifies level of interest in at least 10 of the 12 career specializations, providing adequate rationale for most areas.

Student identifies level of interest for less than 10 career specializations, providing marginal or no rationale for each area.

Student does not identify levels of interest in career specializations.



40 possible points

Student provides clear, detailed comparisons of the presentation of career information between sites, providing examples to justify statements.

Student provides adequate comparisons of the presentation of career information between sites, providing examples to justify statements.

Student provides marginal comparisons of the presentation of career information between sites, examples to justify statements are not included.

Student does not provide comparisons of websites.


Writing and formatting

40 possible points


Work is presented in a logical and coherent way. Writing is clear, articulate, and error free. APA formatting is complete, with all required elements accurately noted.

Work is grammatically sound with a few minor errors. APA formatting is complete with some minor errors.

Work contains frequent grammatical errors. Work contains incomplete and inaccurate APA formatting.

Significant grammatical errors within the work severely affect the readability. Work contains no formatting.


Summary Comments:


160 possible points