Cytochrome P 450 Cycle Case Study

Guidelines Paper Cytochrome P 450 Cycle

Paper: Objective: Given a choice of a topic related to the cytochrome P-450 drug metabolism. You will select a typical patient for your practice area and list all the drugs the patient takes both prescription, over the counter and alternative therapies. You do not need any personal health information. Access the library, readings and the internet to determine how the drugs are metabolized by the body and any interactions between the drugs. Discuss your findings and any recommendations you may have for the care of this patient based on your analysis of the medications and its relationship to personalized medicine and evidence based practice. Submit the criteria for publication from your chosen journal.

1. Select your Topic. The topic relates to your clinical practice. I.e. Cytochrome P 450 and Warfarin Dosages or Adverse Drug events related to Cytochrome P 450 and your practice area. I will also be happy to help you with your topic.

2. You will write the paper as a Case Study

3. Grading rubric below

Grading Rubric for Cyp-P450 Paper 

1 point

3 points

5 points


Introductory material

There is no introduction. The purpose is not identified.

The introduction is present. Identification of the purpose and central questions is sketchy.

The introduction provides an adequate context for the project. The purpose is identified through reference to one or more central questions.

The introduction provides a well-developed context for the project. The significance of central questions is illustrated by references to course materials.

Descriptions of the setting and data collection process

The narrative contains an incomplete or vague description of the setting, and no description of the of the medications and the interaction with the CYP P-450 metabolic pathway

The narrative contains an adequate description of the of the medications and the interaction with the CYP P-450 metabolic pathway.

The narrative contains a description of the medications and the interaction with the CYP P-450 metabolic pathway

The narrative contains well-developed descriptions of the medications and the interaction with the CYP P-450 metabolic pathway.

Record of observations

The narrative contains observations from only one perspective, or of a single type of data

The narrative contains observations from at least two sources.

The narrative contains observations from multiple sources or includes qualitative and quantitative data and makes references Including potential interactions with foods.

The narrative contains observations from multiple sources, includes qualitative and quantitative data, and makes references including potential interactions with complementary therapies and foods.

Discussion, logic, and conclusions

The discussion is incomplete or illogical, and conclusions are missing or unrelated to the central questions.

The discussion is adequate, but conclusions–if present–do not match implications for prescribing.

The discussion seems complete. Conclusions are logical and address the CYP P-450 metabolic pathway and implications for prescribing.

The discussion seems complete. Conclusions are logical; they address the central questions, suggest possible strategies for addressing weaknesses, and address the CYP P-450 metabolic pathway and implications for prescribing.

Presentation’s clarity and style

At least three (3) of the following are true:

The project contains multiple errors in grammar, spelling or mechanics.

The page layout is cluttered. Navigation between sections is unclear.

Journal Citation format is not used for in-text and bibliographical references to external resources.

Two (2) of the following are true:

The project contains multiple errors in grammar, spelling or mechanics.

The page layout is cluttered. Navigation between sections is unclear.

Journal Citation format is not used for in-text and bibliographical references to external resources.

One (1) of the following is true:

The project contains multiple or serious errors in grammar, spelling or mechanics.

The page layout is cluttered. Navigation between sections is unclear.

Journal Citation format is not used for in-text and bibliographical references to external resources

All of the following are true:

The project contains no serious errors in grammar, spelling or mechanics.

The page layout facilitates understanding of the narrative. ¨ Navigation between sections is clear.

Journal Citation is used for in-text and bibliographical references to external resources.