1.Life cycle assessment Technique: (1.5 page) minimum 2 reference from recent review and studies • When first used • What is Life cycle • Why it used • How to conduct the LCA 2. sustainable development and environment ((2 page)) minimum 2 reference from recent review and studies • What is sustainable development no more than 200 words • What did Qatar do for sustainable (please use reference 1 ) • What is Qatari vision (please use reference 2 ) • What is the environmental problem in Qatar (please use reference 3,4) 3. geographical information of Qatar (please use reference 4 ) (1 page/500 words) 4. solar cells in Qatar REF 5 (please use reference 5 /NTRODUCTION section) 500 words 5. Environmental impact of manufacturing process of mono and multi crestline solar cell (7 pages) minimum 10 references very recent from (20142017) It s basically litterateur review about previous studies conducted on this filed. This section will cover criteria pollutant or non GHG emission for example:SO2 and Nox in this section environmental impact categories rather than Global warming potential other need to be disused such as human toxicity, eutrophication, ecotoxicity and others . End of the litterateur review I need conclusion