Addressing the Healthcare Workforce Shortage: Challenges, Solutions, and Strategies for Training, Recruitment, and Retention

For this assignment, you are to write a 3-5 page (not including the title and
reference page) mini literature review based on the topic chosen on your RQA
form, and the references previously submitted.
You should include a corrected title and reference page based on the feedback I
provided with that assignment. Remember to include the sections of the paper
covered in the notes for this module. These sections should include properly
formatted headings. You must also provide properly formatted citations within
your paper. Remember, every reference within your reference list must be cited
somewhere within the paper. If you cite a resource, you must include it within
your reference list. Please be sure to look at the example of what to include, work
on synthesis (please refer back to the synthesis notes), and use Grammarly for
grammar, word structure, etc. Please be sure to properly cite – refer to Chapter 8,
p. 266, table 8.1.
Submit as one Word document to the assignment dropbox by the due date. Title
the assignment “Your Last Name Body of Paper”
Remember, this should be considered your first draft of your final paper.
DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. These papers will go through a plagiarism checker. If a
significant portion of your paper is plagiarized, you WILL receive a 0 for the
assignment. Plagiarism also results in failure of the course. Remember this rule
about plagiarism: If you are using a word for word quote from an author, you
must place the statement in quotation marks and provide a citation that includes
the page number of the quote. I would limit the number of quotes in a paper this
size to 2-3 small quotes. DO NOT USE more than 3 quotes in this paper. You
are writing the paper, not the other authors. Now, you can use the information
from the authors you are citing. You just have to make sure you are paraphrasing
the content and putting it into your own words. REMEMBER, even when you are
paraphrasing, you have to provide a citation for where the information came
During the grading process for the Body of the Paper, I will give extensive
feedback for revisions. You are to take this feedback and make the requested
revisions for your final paper submission.
Review rubric for grading information.