Childhood Obesity

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Content Area Possible Points
Description of what means will be used to gather the needed
information including: Evaluation of existing data including a
literature review of existing research; Hand-delivered, mailed,
and e-mailed questionnaires; Individual personal interviews with:
Community leaders and key decision makers knowledgeable
about the community. General community members; Telephone
surveys; Public forums; or Focus group interviews
Identification of potential problems that may be encountered in
the process of carrying out the needs assessment
Description of specific ways to respond to those problems that
may be encountered
Description of how the information gathered from the needs
assessment will be evaluated
Description of how the information will be used to inform,
influence, or persuade those persons and organizations who
have the power and ability to provide resources for the needs
identified in the assessment
Description of how the entire needs assessment process will be
reviewed for how effective it was in accomplishing what it was
intended to do
Total Points Possible 50
*While there are no points available in the assignment related to APA, points can be deduced
for errors. Be sure to use your APA publication manual.