Principles of Real Estate

First, you need to pick a topic in Real Estate, and you are encouraged to develop one on your own. The focus
of the project is the real estate markets in the state of Tennessee. Some suggested topics
for the project: Real Estate Laws/Taxes in Tennessee; the residential real estate market
in Tennessee; the commercial real estate market in Tennessee; the commercial vs.
residential real estate market in Tennessee; working as a real estate broker/agent in
Tennessee; developments in environmentally sustainable/self-sufficient properties in
Tennessee; COVID-19 pandemic and real estate market in Tennessee; low-income
households and the housing/rental affordability in Tennessee, etc.
You should pick a real estate topic that you are interested in exploring and
enhancing your understanding of. In this project, you should explain why you think the
topic you have chosen is important for the profession and society, and what are you
hoping to understand and teach the public with this project.
If you would like to study real estate markets in another state rather than
Tennessee or if you would like to study multiple states, that is fine too. However, you must
inform your Professor about this and explain why you are interested in studying the real
estate market in another state.
While writing up your project, as an example, you can pick a type of
property/market that is related to your topic and analyze it. When you give these
examples, please collect some data. For example, when you choose a residential real
estate market, you can talk about the average house prices in Tennessee, the changes
in housing prices, average rental income/expenses in recent years, how you expect the
residential real estate market to perform in the coming years in Tennessee, etc. Present
these data in Tables/Figures and explain/discuss them in the main text.
You should also add some explanations to the top/bottom of your tables/figures
even if you already explain them in the main text. So, your tables and figures are self-
explanatory. The project also needs to have a title that is relevant to the topic and the
main text.