Nursing Interventions for Acute and Chronic Pain Relief

Nursing Interventions for Acute and Chronic Pain Relief

Discussion Topic

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Ms. Maria Hernandez is a 63 year old female with chronic back pain. She recently experienced a fall on the ice and has swelling in her left ankle. She complains of 5/10 “aching” pain with ambulation. Her physician ordered an x-ray, which was negative for fracture.

Consider both Ms. Hernandez’s chronic back pain and acute left ankle pain. Identify (3) nursing interventions that would help relieve the client’s acute pain and chronic pain. Include the rationale of how this intervention will help and include a minimum 1 reference in APA format.

Please post your 3 interventions for Chronic Back Pain and their Rationales. Please post your 3 interventions for Acute Pain and their Rationales.

Please post your references.

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