Political Communication

Political Communication – Current Events Extra Credit Value: Maximum of 20 points

The goal of this extra credit opportunity is for you to become familiar with how applicable politics are to our daily lives. Complete the following and submit it by the due date:

1. Source: Find an event in the news which interests you but is also in some way related to what we have been studying. It must be recent (within the last 2 months). In the box below, include a link to your news article along with the source, author, and date of publication:

2. Summary: Using your own words, describe the event in question ( 75 words minimum):

3. Class Connection: How does this event connect to what we studied? Clearly state how it relates to specific topics, terms, or themes from the course ( 100 words minimum):

4. Personal Connection: How does this event affect you personally? All events affect us in some way, so be creative and candid when you discuss how it is related to you – e.g., socially, ethically, emotionally, economically, etc. (75 words minimum):

5. Prediction: How will this current news affect future generations? Make a prediction about how lives will be affected 20-30 years from now by this current event (50 words minimum):

6. Questions: Come up with 2-3 questions that this article leaves you with. The questions need to ask something that could be answered through investigative journalism or research rather than unanswerable rhetorical questions: