Exhibition Criticism

A paper of art criticism of 6-7 pages (double-spaced), on the “With A Single Step: Stories in the Making of America”exhibition at the Museum of Chinese in America.
This is a paper of criticism, which means that you are evaluating the success of this exhibition. This does not mean you are delivering a single verdict (that it is successful or not). Rather, you should critically engage with the exhibition content in a way that bring more perspectives to the topic at hand. Here are some questions to consider in writing your essay:
Identify the goal of the exhibition— what does the exhibition set out to do?
Has the exhibition—its structure, the specific materials selected, the narratorial voice—achieved this goal? What has it achieved and what has it not?
Bring in another source (personal experience, a book, or a film on the topic) and compare the two: Do you think the exhibition present the immigration story thoroughly and touchingly enough, especially in comparison with this other story? If you are enlisting the Chinese American story told in another medium (a novel or a film), which one do you think does a better job at telling the story?
Do you think this exhibition is relevant to our moment? How is it relevant (or irrelevant) to our current time? Can it reach an audience beyond the Chinese American community?
For the resource I ask you to bring in, you can bring in personal experience (especially if you or your family members are immigrant/s yourselves) to see if this exhibition has represented your voice fairly, or you can bring in social theories or cultural products on the Chinese American experience (academic articles/books by scholars of Asian American studies, such as Eileen Chow’s, or novels/memoirs/films about the Chinese American experience) to do a comparison.