Empathy: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Write an interesting essay on do androids dream of electric sheep? by Philip k dick on the theme of empathy box based on this text: In the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick, humans rely on empathy boxes to connect with each other and feel emotions. In chapter six, Isidore says to Pris Stratton “But an empathy box is the most personal possession you have! It’s an extension of your body; it’s the way you touch other humans, it’s the way you stop being alone.” How can an artificial box act like an extension of your body? How does the novel portray the human condition, emphasizing the need for artificial empathy in a seemingly barren existence? In a world where humans can artificially experience empathy, what does it mean to be truly empathetic? Can such technology truly replicate human emotions? How are humans who use empathy boxes to feel emotions different from androids? Also, the society in the novel is fragmented, with humans living in a post-apocalyptic world. How does the lack of empathy worsen this fragmentation? The introduction should contain observation, thesis, supporting details, details and statement of significance. Each paragraph should contain thesis statement, evidence from book along with chapter number, analysis, interpretation and transition. the essay is graded according the usage of (1) Argumentation; (2) Use of Textual Evidence; (3) Organization; and (4) Grammar, Usage, Style, and Mechanics. Use 12-point Times New Roman font; 1” margins on all sides; double spacing on every page without extra spaces between paragraphs; indentation on each paragraph; the inclusion of your name, course number, instructor, and submission date, all justified to the left margin followed by an original essay title justified to the center; your last name and page number located in the top right corner of every page; parenthetical citation of page number(s) following each quotation; and the inclusion of a Works Cited page following the final page of the essay. Note: This course requires one exception to current MLA guidelines: All block quotations must be single-spaced, not double-spaced.