The Challenges Organisations In The Current Job Market Face

Within the next few years, you will enter the labour market and start your career. There are several benefits work holds for all individuals but can also be extremely challenging especially due to a high workload, conflicting roles at home and work, as well as the culture of the organisation. In a two-page essay explain to the reader the challenges organisations in the current job market face.

No late assignments will be accepted after class

• All assignments must be typed:
o Font: Arial/Times New Roman
o Font size: 11
o Line spacing: 1.5 spacing
o Justified text
• Your assignment must have the following:
o Make sure your explanation is clear and adequately researched, you need to include the latest research in your explanation.
o Title page (Title of assignment; Module code; Lecturer name; Date of submission; Name, surname, and student number)
o Introduction
o Conclusion
o Reference list (APA referencing 7th edition when referencing sources or Harvard referencing style.)
• All sources used must appear in the reference list as well as in-text.
• Remember this is a research essay, utilise at least 5 sources (NOT including your IOPS 121 textbook). Wikipedia is not an academic source.
• Please use your textbook and the slides (chapter 7& 8 as uploaded on Efundi) as guidance.
• Your essay must be between 2 – 3 pages excluding title page and reference list.
• Submit both a hard and online (eFundi-Dropbox) copy of your essay. Failure to submit either hard or online copy will result in ZERO for your essay.
• Your essay should be neat and technically edited and neat, sloppiness will not be tolerated.
• Use the mark allocation and rubric below as a guideline when completing your assignment.