Writing Assignment #4– Student Resilience: Creating an Action Plan
(220 points; 23 hours of engagement) Due by 11:59PM on Monday of Week 8
The purpose of this writing assignment is to create an action plan answering the program’s essential question as it relates to this course: In light of what is known about how children learn, how shall professional educators best promote resilience and recovery for the children and their families who have experienced traumatic events?
1) Summarize how childhood trauma and toxic stress impact students and their academic learning
2) Articulate an understanding of how the building of resilience-enhancing skills can support the growth of children and the well-being of educators
Introduction/purpose of the writing (one paragraph)
Create an action plan answering the program’s essential question; potential barriers are clearly defined as are strategies to address them
Summarize childhood trauma and toxic stress impact students and their academic learning
Articulate how the building of resilience skills can support the growth of children and the well-being of educators
Conclusion (level 1 heading)
APA 7 formatted cover page plus 10 pages of writing content
Headings, in-text citations, and reference page per APA guidelines