Assignment Paper

As a counselor, how do you develop a theoretical orientation? Do you just wake up one morning and—voila—you have your theoretical orientation?

Your theoretical orientation will not magically come to you in a dream or vision. In fact, developing a theoretical orientation is a process that begins when you take your first counseling theories course and continues throughout your master’s program, your field experience, and beyond. As you progress through your studies, you will likely find that you are continually developing a clearer picture of your theoretical orientation. Over the years following your master’s degree, your orientation will begin to solidify as you work and learn from observing other counselors. In truth, the process probably never ends because you will always learn about new theories, work with new clients, and develop a deeper understanding of yourself.

For this Discussion, you listen to the personal stories of how two distinguished counselor educators, Dr. John Marszalek and Dr. Matthew Buckley, developed their own theoretical orientations. Read your Instructor’s post regarding his or her theoretical orientation in this week’s Discussion Board.

Then, reflect upon the various factors that can influence the development of a counselor’s theoretical orientation. What factors might be influencing your own development process?

Next, you have the opportunity to discuss how you see that two theories may integrate into an effective strategy for you as a future counselor. You may also decide that a single theory feels like it will be the best fit for your future career at this point in your training. Whether you choose to integrate two theories or remain a purist, thoughtfully and thoroughly back up your current position.

Finally, you will consider the specifics of how what you have learned during this course will enable you to be an agent of positive social change. In what ways may your specific choice of strategy or strategies affect your role of a social change agent?

To Prepare:

Review the Corey article.
Review this week’s Learning Resources specifically focusing on the two media programs Theoretical Orientations and Course Wrap-Up.
Visit the Discussion board to review your Instructor’s post on his/her theoretical orientation.
Reflect on the possibility of two theories that might integrate well with your future professional practice and explain your choices.
Identify the ways that the knowledge gained in this course positions you to be an agent for positive social change in the future.
Post and include the following elements about developing a theoretical orientation:

What are your initial reactions and thoughts about your Instructor’s theoretical orientation?
What did you learn about theoretical orientations from Drs. Marszalek and Buckley?
Explain where you are now in the process of beginning to develop your own theoretical orientation. Include a description of the factors that are currently influencing your development process.
Describe how you see that two theories may integrate into an effective strategy for you as a future counselor. You may also decide that a single theory feels like it will be the best fit for your future career at this point in your training. Whether you choose to integrate two theories or remain a purist, thoughtfully and thoroughly back up your current position.
Finally, consider what you have learned during this course that will enable you to be an agent of positive social change. In what ways may your specific choice of strategy or strategies affect your role of a social change agent?