Discuss briefly the following:
1. Spanking:
Do you agree with spanking as a form of punishment? Why or why not?
What limitations should be put on spanking?
When does spanking become abuse?
Why is it okay to physically touch a child to “teach” them a lesson, but completely unacceptable for an employer to do the same in the workplace?
2. How do you think kids learn pro-social behaviors at home? How do they learn anti-social behaviors? Has moral development been on the decline in recent years, or is it just overplayed in the media/social media?
3. How can we be better at supporting, accepting, and celebrating all types of families? Talk about trends you see in family/parenting structures. How do these effect the family unit in the United States and how can diversity in families provide benefits to both indiviuals and society?
4. How prevalent are gender stereotypes? What ones have you had to deal with?