
Patient Teaching Project Assignment Guidelines and Rubric

NURS 114 Patient Teaching Project Assignment Guidelines
(Paper and Presentation)

1) Submit your teaching project paper through the Blackboard Assignment Submission Site.

2) The content of the teaching project paper should fit into no more than 2 pages, typed, and double spaced.

3) Follow APA format and style for the paper specified on the assignment rubric.

4) The project paper should include:

a. Introduction to the problem

b. Teaching content (What actually needs to be taught to patient)

c. Teaching strategies (How this will be taught, e.g., handouts, verbal, video, website)

d. Ways to evaluate if the teaching was effective

Be sure to incorporate the above four sections (a, b, c, & d) into your paper and presentation

· Identify how effective communication techniques impact successful patient teaching sessions;

· Identify factors that affect one’s ability to learn;

· Identify specific teaching strategies for each of the Three Learning Domains (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor);

· Identify factors that can compromise a patient’s ability to successfully learn.

· Identify developmental level and cultural influences when developing a teaching strategy.

5) Presentation: Limit presentation length to 10 slides in PowerPoint or 2 pages if using Word document. You may also present your project via a poster if you desire.


Exceeds Expectations


Meets Expectations


Below Expectations


Does Not Meet Expectations



20 points total

1.Evidence of preparation of lesson topics:

a) Introduction to problem;

b) appropriate teaching content

c) states how teaching will be evaluated.

Demonstrates an above average ability to organize and execute the lesson. The logical progression of the lesson topics is demonstrated with above average mastery competency

8 points

Demonstrates an average/ adequate ability to organize and execute the lesson. The logical progression of the lesson topics is demonstrated with an average/adequate competency.

4 points

Demonstrates a below average ability to organize and execute the lesson. The logical progression of the lesson topics is demonstrated with below average competency. 2 points

Demonstrates a very poor ability to organize and execute the lesson. The logical progression of the lesson is demonstrated with poor competency.

0 point

2. Teaching strategy:

a) Provide specific teaching strategy for each learning domain (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor)

b) How teaching is presented to the patient.


Demonstrates an above average ability to use creative and effective teaching methods during the lesson.

7 points

Demonstrates an average/ adequate ability to use creative and effective teaching methods during the lesson.

4 points

Demonstrates a below average ability to use creative and effective teaching methods during the lesson.

2 points

Demonstrates a very poor ability to use creative and effective teaching methods during the lesson.

0 point

3. Spelling, grammar or punctuation error(s);

APA formatting (typed double spaced, 12 pt. font, in-text citations, and reference page.)

0-4 errors

Excellent use of APA formatting (typed double spaced, 12 pt. font, in-text citation, and reference page.)

5 points

5-6 errors

Good/satisfactory use of APA formatting (typed double spaced, 12 pt. font, in-text citation, and reference page.)

3 points

7-9 errors

Fair use of APA formatting (typed double spaced, 12 pt. font, in-text citation, and reference page.)

1 point

10 or more errors

Poor use of APA formatting (typed double spaced, 12 pt. font, in-text citation, and reference page.)

0 point


Exceeds Expectations


5 points

Meets Expectations


4-3 points

Below Expectations


2-1 points

Does Not Meet Expectations


0 point


15 points total

1. Communication Skills

Demonstrates an above average ability to communicate with the class, and the presenter is clearly and easily understood; uses direct eye contact with audience; seldom looks at notes.

Demonstrates an average/adequate ability to communicate with the class, and the presenter is understood. Consistent use of direct eye contact with audience, but still returns to notes.

Demonstrates a below average ability to communicate with the class, and the presenter is not easily understood; displays minimal eye contact with audience while mostly reading from notes.

Demonstrates a very poor ability to communicate with the class, and the presenter is not easily understood. No eye contact with the audience; the entire presentation is read from notes.

2. Time Management/


Adheres to time limit (10-15 minutes).

Dresses professionally.

Within +/- 2 minutes of allotted time (10-15minute).

Dresses professionally.

Within +/- 4 minutes of allotted time (10-15minutes).

Dresses professionally.

Significantly above or below required presentation time frame of 10-15 minutes.

Does not dress professionally.

Points: /35

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