How the Media’s Depiction of Asian Women Harms Them

Discussion 8


· Diet Prada (2021) “How the Media’s Depiction of Asian Women Harms Them”

Watch Videos

· PBS Voices (2021) “Where Did The “Asian Fetish” Come From?”

· Rice Squad (2020) “Why are White Guys Taking All the Asian Girls?”

· Fung Bros (2022) “The Asian Fetish Has Gone Too Far! (“What White Men Say” Article)”




· When Asian Women Are Harassed for Marrying Non-Asian Men

· Elaine Hsieh Chou Essay What White Men Say in Our Absence.pdf


(1) First, How did these videos make you feel? What stood out for you?

Then, what types of power and systems of oppression contribute to the ways in which the intimacies of Asian American Women are perceived by others?

(300 words)

(2) Provide thoughtful responses to at least one (1) of your classmates.

(100 words)

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(3) Using any of the concepts from this week’s readings and videos (i.e. Orientalism, Intersectionality, etc.) reflect on how the intimacies of Asian American (cis, straight) women are portrayed/perceived in popular culture today. Reference anything from the past 5 years, such as any TV series, films, music, or social media to support your reflection. Then, continue your reflection on Power and Oppression: who gets to tell these stories?

(300 words)