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. Research the country selected. Use a minimum of seven different types of reputable resources (e.g., books, periodicals, websites, interviews, circulars, video) to create country profiles that include the data below. Note research must be deep and thorough and analysis must be based on the viability of the country as a potential manufacturing source. At the completion of your research, country and supplier analysis report must follow, as all other entries, the Chicago Style format. Find data on the following for each country:
- Intrinsic factors that relate to the business climate:
- social
- political
- cultural
- economic
- geographic
- other traits of importance to the business climate.
- Factors that influence production:
- labor cost and availability
- inputs
- products
- transportation
- business climate
- duty
- other factors that influence production.
Supplier Research
Supplier Research Resources:
- ITA Office of Textiles and Apparel (OTEXA)
- Export.gov Opportunities
- U.S. Department of State
- CIA Country Profiles
- Apparel Industry Partnership Agreement
- Labor Affairs Bureau (ILAB)
- SCAD Library Resources (in Bb Course Supplements)
- Resources you locate on your own
- Find at least 5 viable suppliers for your product category and quality in each countryyou are considering. Viable means that you can really imagine working with them, and the supplier has clients like you. For each supplier, look for the following production information:
- type of product
- quality
- lead time
- sourcing-guidelines/corporate responsibility
- capacity
- capability
- flexibility
- customers*
- customer service
- infrastructure
- value-added services
- forward thinkers
- strategic
- price/costs
- other capacities or services
* If the listed supplier customers don’t have product quality similar to yours, the supplier is not viable. If the supplier will not share who their customers are, don’t waste your time—the supplier is not viable.
Once you’ve completed the first stage of your research, document your findings for every country and every supplier.
- For the second stage of your research, directly contact all suppliers that you have selected so you can send your tech packs with an introductory letter in order to obtain quotes for your products. Your instructor will share strategies for writing your introductory letter to maximize your responses without being deceptive. Note that if you do not receive quotes from at least three suppliers from each country in a time you feel comfortable with (certainly no longer than five days), you will need to consider whether to contact those suppliers again or research more suppliers to contact. Regardless, you will need to have quotes from three suppliers per country under consideration.
- At the completion of your research, country and supplier analysis report must follow, as all other entries, the Chicago Style format.