Operating Rooms

Types of Operating Rooms

Complete Part 1 and Part 2.

Part 1

Explore the Facility Guideline Institute (FGI) for the current year. It is important to use the guidelines that are required in the project. Generally, it will be the most current guidelines however, it depends on the project stakeholders.

Research the FGIs used in the three types of operating rooms. Consider the following as you complete your research:

· Know the different types of operating rooms

· Review the guidelines for each space in each type of operating room

· Understand types of surgeries that take place in each type of operating room

· As a health care manager, understanding the importance of the different types of operating rooms

Part 2

Use the Facility Guidelines Institute and other resources you have researched to complete the following chart:

Type of Operating Room

Types of Surgeries Performed

Type of Anesthesia Used During Surgery

Generator Requirements for Power Outage

Med-Gas Count Requirement

Minimal Room Size

Air Filtration Requirements





Cite at least 2 reputable references used to complete your prompts and chart. One reference must be your textbook. Reputable references including trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, textbook, or other sources of similar quality.

Format your reference section and references used in your prompts and chart according to APA guidelines.